Some of the greatest meals that I have created have come from lack of ingredients..let me explain..I see a recipe that I want to try..set out to prepare it then realize I am lacking a certain key ingredient..I substitute something ..go my own way..and it spirals out of control until the dish I am making and the ingredients involved bear no resemblance to the dish I set out to make.. sometimes I get lucky and tonight was one of those nights..I have been wanting to make this Butter Chicken for some time..I chopped the onion ..added lots of minced garlic and a pat of butter to the iron skillet...this is about as far as I got until it became time for marinading then I got lost in the spice cabinets adding a little of this a little of that and what I ended up with was this...and it sure did make the house smell good...

Curry Chicken
3 boneless skinless chicken breasts (beat down)
1/2 white onion coarsely chopped
5 cloves of minced garlic
Yellow Curry Powder..I like spice islands.
lime juice
fresh herbs..I use rosemary thyme parsley and basil chopped fine
freshly cracked garlic pepper
red pepper
Saute onion and garlic until brown in cast iron skillet..idk why chicken always tastes better cooked in a cast iron skillet but I am sure any old pan you got will do..add cracked garlic pepper and saute until golden. Marinade chicken ideally hours before ( tonight it was ten minutes prior to cooking..I got boys to feed)..add all spices and lime juice to chicken after beating down while in a lg Ziploc..poor guys...add to pan and cook, turning 4 times until golden brown..while cooking add plenty of yellow curry powder and get the rice going...if I had more time tonight a nice basmati would have been nice but Minute Rice with a little butter and salt was just fine..when chicken breasts are in the final stage of cooking add cream to the pan..lift breasts up one by one..pour a little here a little slap the lid on it turn to low and leave it be. 20 minutes later after fluffing your rice and cutting some fresh fruit and a nice french baguette to sop up all of this lovely sauce take the lid off and take it in...smells wonderful doesn't it? Transfer chicken to cutting board and slice thinly with a sharp knife serve over hot rice with a good spoon full of sauce over the top and love every minute of it! I do have to add that my boys would have preferred the dish be a little less spicy so ease up on the red pepper instead of going wild like me:)
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