Friday, January 21, 2011

5 Things On Friday

Gina Breton

5 Things on Friday

~~5 things I did this week~~

1. Got a tooth pulled

2.Spent a sick day at home with a little man who had the stomach flu

3. Went to 4 Dr. appts.

4. Entertained the thought of buying a diamond ring then asked myself ...Why?..and didn't

5. Did my yearly overhaul of my closet and got rid of half of my things to a friend that was excited to get some new stuff.

~~5 things I want to do before Monday~~ ( But probably won't)

1. Read the NY Times in it's entirety

2. Go to church

3. Jog

4. Take my vitamins

5. Make out

~~5 things I am Truly grateful for today~~

1. That the "bump" in my son Logan's knee turned out to be nothing to worry about

2. That I have a boyfriend who makes me laugh

3. That I hear I love you multiple times a day from my boys...

4. That I have food to eat a roof over my head and a job to go to

5. Sobriety

~~My 5 Favorite things this week~~

1. The day I spent with my favorite teenager going to the salon and cruising the mall;)

2. Learning about things I previously had no idea about...( Aggregate groups of people, Charlie Chaplin, Hinduism)

3. Coffee Coffee Coffee

4. Finding the most awesome pants known to man at H&M

5. Lingering at the coffee shop with my 4 yr old before school and watching him eat the magic pink doughnut with the sprinkles and drink his chocolate milk.. made a cranky sleepy boy get a good start to his day..

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