Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Big 2.0

20 Positive Things That Happened Today

1. I did numerous lunges before 7 am
2.I splurged on fancy coffee just for me
3. While walking up the stairs with 2 pieces of carrot cake I decided to take a bite of one mid flight and ended up getting a mouth full of cream cheese frosting
4. I was still getting compliments on that green dress I wore yesterday from the girls at Starbucks this morning, apparently it was flattering in all the right places, maybe I will live in it?
5. When telling someone about the acceptance of my final project on Recovery they asked me "Are you in recovery?" To which I answered well yes I don't drink and for good reason...think I handled it okay
6.I got my son to believe that if he doesn't do what I say I can wiggle my nose and turn into any animal in particular a rabid dog who will chase him down the stairs.. and he believed me..
7. I got to see my coffee shop friends and a few new ones this morning.
8.I was really able to relax during yoga tonight
9.Saved $57.00 at the grocery store.
10. Spent $9.99 on a pack of cigs .. my last pack
11. I have feet full of Peppermint Burt's Bees Lotion
12. Half Price Pizza Day
13. I had a good conversation with someone for whom I care for very much
14. I smoothed waters
15. I was able to look at my decision to move forward from my job knowing that this is for my own good
16. I studied Warhol & deKooning in my down time today
17. Decided I no longer need a $100 dollar an hour hair stylist
18. Was able to cheer my teenager up
17. Was able to pick a little man up that fell out of bed and hold him till he fell back asleep
18.Was able to reassure the middle man about his apprehension starting 5th grade at a new school
19. Theres fancy Italian ice cream in the freezer
20. Staying focused on peace...

How about you, what happened in your life today?
Tell me something good...

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