I Am Thinking: About how I can go about getting cast in a Woody Allen movie and how it is a shame I procrastinated and missed the opportunity to submit my screen test for the Warhol Exhibit at MOMA. I tackle a lot and I have a lot going on so I won't beat myself up, there will always be something that falls through the cracks and I know what and whom are priority. I am also thinking about Steve Jobs and he has become suddenly inspiring to me almost overnight. He has become my favorite overachiever this week and has me looking in some new directions.
I Am Thankful For: I will say this a million times..I am thankful for my sobriety, I wouldn't trade my worst day sober for my best day drunk.
From The Kitchen: Oh what haven't I been making lately...as usual everything I have been cooking has something to do with The Pioneer Woman.. my cookbooks have been crying their eyes out, they are lonely and collecting dust. Some highlights from the past few weeks would be shredded chicken tacos, braised shortribs over fettuccine, spicy Dr. Pepper shredded pork, red velvet sheet cake, pot luck casseroles, paninnis, crab dips...ya I have been busy:)
I Am Creating: A strong and lean body resulting from the yoga that has hooked me in the mornings. I like to do it while watching the sunrise over the mountains.
I Am Going: To finish up the last minute items for Easter Baskets and attend a sunrise service on Easter with my Mom at 6am.
I Am Reading: Advanced Style (.blogspot.com) which I absolutely adore, what is not to love?
I Am Hoping: To make the most beautiful eggs this weekend so I can admire them before they get devilled and chopped into English muffin melts for Easter brunch.
I Am Hearing: Threes Company.. my guilty pleasure
From The Teaching Rooms:Currently studying Racism, Ethnicity & Prejudice. Reading on Islam. Reviewing the film The Virgin Spring (after a long Hitchcock phase) and writing an album review on The Game (Queen circa 1980) while debating the use of synthesizers in New Wave music.
Around The House: There is a lot I want to do and a lot that I have done. I am proud of my comfortable and lovely home.
One Of My Favorite Things: Kissing my boys to wake them up in the morning, rubbing my husbands tired shoulders as he falls asleep, watching the sunrise...coming home.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Easter Sunday...cooking amazing meals..hunting eggs..putting baskets together..going to mass..making a few Dr. apts..keeping it real and more importantly keeping it positive.
Here Are A Few Pictures From The Week To Share

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