This Weeks Topic: Children
1. Children put out what you put in them...treat them with respect and love..create a loving and gentle world for them to thrive in void of violence fear and ridicule.
2. Tell them you love them every day
3. Children need praise and encouragement often..make it a point to acknowledge their good behavior and good qualities on a regular basis
4. If you have never read the story of Eric Morse, you need to..tonight..and hold him in your heart
5. Play a game with your children at least once a week
6. Let them listen to classical music..Mozart..Bach..and also The Beatles from a very young age
7. Offer them pure clean water or brewed green tea over sugary juices..soda and gatorade.
8. Massage their backs from the time they are infants, learn the healing power of your hands and use it when they have had a bad day at school, need restful sleep or fall ill.
9. Utilize Elderberry juice and extract along with Zinc when they get sick instead of over the counter cold medicine
10. Be aware of the children around you..the ones who are classmates with your kids..the ones who come over to play..if you see something that isn't quite right or you feel something is the matter trust your instincts and tell someone.
11. If you are single be careful who you let into your life and around your children. When a child is abused or hurt statistics show that 85% of the time it is the mothers boyfriend that is the culprit.
12. Make them take their vitamins..every day
13. Raise boys who treat women with respect, do not tolerate anything less
14. Instill self confidence in your daughter is important for girls growing up to have a positive self image of themselves and that they are not put down. Verbal abuse will have a detrimental impact in so many ways as they go through life.
15. Never call your child a bad name
16. Remember if you have ever done something for which you know you wouldn't win the parent of the year award, it is never to late to fix it and not make the same mistake.
17. Don't sweat the small stuff. Nothing or Nobody (including your children) are perfect.
18. If there is a problem with a child's behavior address it right then and there. It is important to distinguish to them that although they have done a bad thing they are not bad people. Help them to understand the possible repercussions of their actions and the reason for which they occurred. Do not waste time on time outs..they never work in accomplishing anything for the long haul..
19. Your child's health is the most important thing inside and out..take charge of making sure they are well looked after by dentists and Dr.'s If you are one of millions of Americans which are uninsured research free clinics, free shot events, and free screening in your area and take advantage of them.
20. Finally they only get one childhood, make it a magical one.
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