Saturday, March 3, 2012

The Flu

Nothing will be right in my world till I feel better. Thinking I had the energy I left the house for a bit today and found out pretty quick that the feeling was fleeting and back to the couch I went. It is a nice feeling to be somewhat waited on however, but the fact that my 5 year old has completely destroyed his room in my absence has me filled with dread. Tomorrow we are supposed to go and see the Dr. Suess movie Lorax. Jake has loved Lorax for a few years now and he sleeps with him every night. It is one of our favorite reads so sick or not I will pull it together. Aside from that the thought of Spring break has me anticipating the week ahead coming to an end. 7 days of doing nothing other than working on my tan, sleeping in and watching movies sounds pretty nice about now and believe you me I will be relishing in it. There is still plenty to do around the house as well so yes some chores will have to work there way into the itinerary. Who doesn't love perusing through Pintrest and getting a glimpse into other peoples homes and all the how too's. Who knew all the neat things you can make with those pallets you find behind the grocery stores. it's amazing. One of these days I will set about looking through all of the things I have on my board and actually making of these days. For now I am just going to find my bed, dream a little dream in my feverish state and disappear among the pillows. My 5 year old will probably find his way in there too, which is fine by me as the sound of him breathing as we fall asleep is music to my ears. The lullaby that puts me to sleep every night...

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