Here I have found myself on the first day of March with a fever. I cannot remember the last time I experienced this achy funky feeling and for that I am thankful, yet when your body temperature rises sometimes everything starts to look pretty surreal. I suppose I will just go with it and embrace it as there is not much choice in the matter for me this evening. In a way it is somewhat nice to be still for a change. It's not like I have been starving for alone time but my mind is usually caught up in trying to just process everything around me lately. I have mulled this over while driving around this week and have reminded myself time and time again to just take my time on the road and relax a bit. Inevitably I find myself weaving in and out of traffic yet again on a mad dash to get somewhere on time, usually school. I always arrive ahead of schedule yet cannot help but to rush. This has been my work in progress, slowing down.
Today has been somewhat odd. I choked for the first time in my life. Eating dinner apparently I did not chew my food enough and I literally had something blocking my throat that would not go down or out and I could not breath. For those 5 long minutes a lot of thoughts went through my head from of course I have to be alone while this is happening to am I really going out like this? Thank god I didn't meet the same fate as Mama Cass and someone was watching over me, thank god. Not too long after I whacked my head cleaning up Ninjas pretty hard on the newly installed shelf and decided I needed to sit down. As if cleaning up vomit twice today (one in the truck, once on me) and two sick fighting boys hopped up on Predisone wasn't enough...
So here it is March is upon us..the first two months of the year I have been regrouping and buried in 5 classes this semester, but that's commonplace anymore. I have gotten rid of half of my possessions and that in and of itself has been liberating and the new home is starting to feel like home as things become more settled and organized. This is my anniversary month where we will celebrate one year of marriage. Ahhhh marriage is a funny thing you know, the reality of marriage vs. the fantasy of it that many of us hold onto in our youth.My best friend who happens to be 68 years old (and who by all means has it all going for her) and I were laughing the other day over coffee at the mere thought that people can stay married for 25 years. I think things like this just sort of happen if your lucky. So far so good but I already spent 10 years of my life married, I will just be happy if I can add up the two consecutively. I learned long ago that with expectations comes disappointment so I try not to hold onto many of them.
So whats on the menu for March? I for one would like to be able to give up white sugar. I have been trying to do this for some time now to no avail..but hey its good to have dreams..
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