Sunday, March 13, 2011

Bodhisattva: A being who is dedicated to liberating others from suffering.

The Body is the temple for the soul. On loan to us for the
short time we are here on earth.

Four Noble Truths:
1.Life inevitably involves suffering, is imperfect and unsatisfactory.
2. Suffering originates in our desires.
3. Suffering will cease if all desires cease.
4. There is a way to realize this state: The Noble Eightfold Path

This is the way things are. Right now nobody can help you; there is nothing
your family and your possessions can do for you.
All that can help you now is the correct awareness.

The Noble Eightfold Path
1. Comprehend reality correctly through The Four Noble Truths.
2. Uncover unwholesome roots behind our thinking such as caring what others think of us.
3. Relinquish the desire to gossip, lie, speak harshly and instead communicate truth and harmony.
4.Avoid destroying life
Sexual Misconduct
and Intoxicants.
5. Do not engage in a livelihood which harms others or destroys social harmony.
6.Cut off unwholesome states in the past, present, and future.
7. Discipline the mind, be present in the moment...the here and now.
8.Meditate to achieve calm and quiet in the mind. Breathe. Be Still.

Check Your Mind
Be on your guard
Pull yourself out
as an elephant from the mud..

Tell us what makes your soul sing
Wishing you a blessed week.


  1. There is a Bodhisattva at the Ashmolean Museum in Oxford and my sister loves to go there and just sit and spend time with her. She finds being in her presence very comforting.

  2. This is hard....but so true. Alot to think about. :)
