Thursday, March 31, 2011
The Crane & The Crab
Miyamoto Mushashi 1645 |
Once upon a time, there was a crane who lived near a small pond. Right next to the pond was a big tree with a fairy living in it. He learned by observing the various animals.
There were also many small fish living in the small pond. The crane was in the habit of picking up fish with his beak and eating them. Since there happened to be a drought in the area, the water level in the pond was becoming lower and lower. This made it easier for the crane to catch fish. In fact, he was even getting to be a little fat!
However, the crane discovered that no matter how easy it was to catch fish, and no matter how many he ate, he was never completely satisfied. But he did not learn from this. Instead, he decided that if he ate all the fish in the pond, then he would find true happiness. "The more the merrier!" he said to himself.
In order to catch all the fish in the pond, the crane thought up a clever plan. He would trick the fish, and deceive them into trusting him. Then when they trusted him the most, he would gobble them up. He was very pleased with himself for thinking up such a trick.
To begin with, the crane sat down on the shore. He remained quietly in one position, just like a holy man in the forest. This was intended to get the fish to trust him.
The fish came to him and asked. "Sir crane, what are you thinking?" The holy-looking crane answered, "Oh my dear fish, it makes me sad to think of your future. I am thinking about the coming miserable disaster."
They said, "My lord, what disaster is coming to us?" To which the crane replied, "Look around you! There is very little water left in this pond. You are also running out of food to eat. This severe drought is very dangerous for you poor little ones."
Then the fish asked, "Dear uncle crane, what can we do to save ourselves?" "My poor little children," said the crane, "you must trust me and do as I say. If you allow me to pick you up in my beak, I will take you, one at a time to another pond. That pond is much bigger than this one. It is filled with water and covered with lovely lotuses. It will be like a paradise for you!"
When they heard the part about the beak, the fish became a little suspicious. They said, "Mr. Crane, how can we believe you? Since the beginning of the world, there has never been a crane who wanted to help fish. Cranes have put fish in their beaks only to eat them. This must be a trick. Or else you must be joking!"
The crane then raised his head and made himself look as dignified as possible. He said, "Please don't think such a thing. Can't you see that I am a very special crane? You should trust me. But if you don't believe me, send one fish with me and I will show him the beautiful pond. Then when I bring him back here, you will know I can be trusted."
The fish said to each other, "This crane looks so dignified. He sounds like an honest crane. But just in case it's a trick, let us send with him a useless little troublemaker fish. This will be a test." Then they found a young fish who was known for playing hooky from school. They pushed him towards the shore.
The crane bent his head and picked up the little one in his beak. Then he spread his wings and flew to a big tree on the shore of a beautiful big pond. Just as he had said, it was covered with lovely lotuses. The fish was amazed to see such a wonderful place. Then the crane carried him back to his poor old pond, just as he had promised.
Arriving home, the little fish described the wonders of the beautiful big pond. Hearing this, all the other fish became very excited and rushed to be the first to go.
The first lucky passenger was that same useless little troublemaker. Again the crane picked him up in his beak and flew to the big tree on the shore of the beautiful new pond. The little one was sure the helpful crane was about to drop him into the wonderful pond. But instead, the crane suddenly killed him, gobbled up his flesh, and let the bones fall to the ground.
The crane returned to the old pond, brought the next little fish to the same tree, and ate him in the same way. Likewise, one by one, he gobbled up every last fish!
He became so stuffed with fish meat that he had trouble flying back to the little pond. He saw that there were no more fish left for him to trick and eat. Then he noticed a lonely crab crawling along the muddy shore. And he realized that he was still not completely satisfied!
So he walked over to the crab and said, "My dear crab, I have kindly carried all the fish to a wonderful big pond not far from here. Why do you wish to remain here alone? If you simply do as the fish have done, and let me pick you up in my beak, I will gladly take you there. For your own good, please trust me."
But the crab thought, "There is no doubt this over-stuffed crane has eaten all those fish. His belly is so full he can hardly stand up straight. He definitely cannot be trusted! If I can get him to carry me to a new pond and put me in it, so much the better. But if he tries to eat me, I will have to cut off his head with my sharp claws."
Then the crab said, "My friend crane, I am afraid I am much too heavy for you to carry in your beak. You would surely drop me along the way. Instead, I will grab onto your neck with my eight legs, and then you can safely carry me to my new home."
The crane was so used to playing tricks on others, that he did not imagine he would be in any danger — even though the crab would be grasping him by the throat. Instead he thought, "Excellent! This will give me a chance to eat the sweet meat of this foolish trusting crab."
So the crane permitted the crab to grab onto his neck with all eight legs. In addition, he grasped the crane's neck with his sharp claws. He said, "Now kindly take me to the new pond."
The foolish crane, with his neck in the clutches of the crab, flew to the same big tree next to the new pond.
Then the crab said, "Hey you stupid crane, have you lost your way? You have not taken me to the pond. Why don't you take me to the shore and put me in?"
The crane said, "Who are you calling stupid? I don't have to take that from you. You're not my relative. I suppose you thought you tricked me into giving you a free ride. But I'm the clever one. Just look at all those fish bones under this tree. I've eaten all the fish, and now I'm going to eat you too, you stupid crab!"
The crab replied, "Those fish were eaten because they were foolish enough to trust you. But no one would trust you now. Because you tricked the fish, you have become so conceited you think you can trick anyone. But you can't fool me. I have you by the throat. So if one dies, we both die!"
Then the crane realized the danger he was in. He begged the crab, "Oh my lord crab, please release me. I have learned my lesson. You can trust me. I have no desire to eat such a handsome crab as you."
Then he flew down to the shore and continued, "Now please release me. For your own good, please trust me."
But this old crab had been around. He realized the crane could not be trusted no matter what he said. He knew that if he let go of the crane, he would be eaten for sure. So he cut through his neck with his claws, just like a knife through butter! And the crane's head fell on the ground. Then the crab crawled safely into the wonderful pond.
Meanwhile, the inquisitive fairy had also come to the new pond and seen all that had happened. Sitting on the very top of the big tree, he said for all the gods to hear:
"The one who lived by tricks and lies,
No longer trusted now he dies."
The moral is: The trickster who can't be trusted, has played his last trick
Blessings to The People of Japan
Give Yours at The Sunday Creative
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
I Took Myself Out On A Date, To The Grocery Store
I have nothing witty to write this evening; no advice to give. Although the thought of attempting to solve other peoples problems does sound fun, it's not on the agenda tonight. I have been feeling a little overwhelmed this week, a little less spunky and downright cranky at times. It is not like me to get stressed out, so to say..and this is madness..fact is it's beyond the point, my week has felt like one big sigh. I started thinking about why this may be the case, after all I am taking my vitamins..I have everything in the world to be happy about which usually zaps the stress out of things..and I think what it comes down to is I have been fighting off the flu all week. You know the feeling where you aren't full blown sick but rather just have that achy sleepy feeling..the calm before the storm? Where your nose starts to drip and your throat gets a tickle. I have felt little muscles that normally aren't sore making themselves known and have just wanted to spend the day in bed watching Hoarders. I have had to give myself a pep talk into the office every morning where I have brought along Jake, my 4 yr. old...you see he is sick too. The last 2 days have been 9 hrs of me trying to work and entertain Jake at the same time, although he has been rather good given the situation. Can you say burn out...yes I am spent. This evening I came home cooked dinner and next thing I know it was Taekwondo time, once Nicholas was dropped off instead of going home I regrouped and revitalized at the grocery store.
It sounds kind of silly but me alone with a cart and the time to mull over different brands of almond milk and read the ingredients in granola was very meditative. To take ten minutes to decide what brand of coffee would be coming home (Starbucks Breakfast Blend) and to pick everyone out something special..it was just what I needed. Go to the local store in a small town next thing you know your Chatty Cathy. I cannot go anywhere in our town without running into someone I know. Sure enough I ran into no less than 3 people whom I consider to be my friends. We talked about herbs,tires,Zambuca,parties, jazz and pizza. I felt like I just had social hour. I walked out of the store feeling like I had just drank a big glass of rescue remedy and it proved to be the perfect fix..who knew. I started to think about the days when I used to go to happy hour and "relax" with a few cocktails after work wherein social hour would consist of conversations at the bar with half cocked people. I don't miss those days. Happy hour is a sham. Nobody was ever that "happy" and most of the time they were complaining.Today I ate 1 apple, 1 pear, 1/2 a granola bar, a few bites of seafood salad, 2 wheat crackers w/ artichoke hummus,little bites of bananas berries apples & melon that Nicholas sliced up...oh and a handful of ummmm Combos...you know the little rolled pretzel things with some kind of weird creamy stuff inside that tastes like pizza? It's not cheese..although it slightly resembles the stuff in a spray can..I shudder to think... There has been coffee, green tea, and water thrown in the mix... the point of all this rambling is that I am trying to divert myself from my homework where I am studying Japanese work ethics, which make ours in America joke worthy. But also because I learned a valuable lesson today..one that I need to be reminded of from time to time. It is okay to feel like you just wanna pull the covers up over your head some days ..it is okay to feel like your energy has all but drained out.. the kids will get on your nerves..you will get on your nerves..your husband won't quite get it..the littlest criticism seems like someone just dealt you a huge blow.. that's when you know it's time to take a break..call a time out..we need that once in a while. Sometimes I forget that I have needs too.. today I am glad I paid attention.
It sounds kind of silly but me alone with a cart and the time to mull over different brands of almond milk and read the ingredients in granola was very meditative. To take ten minutes to decide what brand of coffee would be coming home (Starbucks Breakfast Blend) and to pick everyone out something special..it was just what I needed. Go to the local store in a small town next thing you know your Chatty Cathy. I cannot go anywhere in our town without running into someone I know. Sure enough I ran into no less than 3 people whom I consider to be my friends. We talked about herbs,tires,Zambuca,parties, jazz and pizza. I felt like I just had social hour. I walked out of the store feeling like I had just drank a big glass of rescue remedy and it proved to be the perfect fix..who knew. I started to think about the days when I used to go to happy hour and "relax" with a few cocktails after work wherein social hour would consist of conversations at the bar with half cocked people. I don't miss those days. Happy hour is a sham. Nobody was ever that "happy" and most of the time they were complaining.Today I ate 1 apple, 1 pear, 1/2 a granola bar, a few bites of seafood salad, 2 wheat crackers w/ artichoke hummus,little bites of bananas berries apples & melon that Nicholas sliced up...oh and a handful of ummmm Combos...you know the little rolled pretzel things with some kind of weird creamy stuff inside that tastes like pizza? It's not cheese..although it slightly resembles the stuff in a spray can..I shudder to think... There has been coffee, green tea, and water thrown in the mix... the point of all this rambling is that I am trying to divert myself from my homework where I am studying Japanese work ethics, which make ours in America joke worthy. But also because I learned a valuable lesson today..one that I need to be reminded of from time to time. It is okay to feel like you just wanna pull the covers up over your head some days ..it is okay to feel like your energy has all but drained out.. the kids will get on your nerves..you will get on your nerves..your husband won't quite get it..the littlest criticism seems like someone just dealt you a huge blow.. that's when you know it's time to take a break..call a time out..we need that once in a while. Sometimes I forget that I have needs too.. today I am glad I paid attention.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
20 Things On Tuesday
This weeks topic: FOOD
1. I should have known better than to bring the 5 lb bag of peanut M&M's home
2. The peanut M&M's were a result of an impulsive purchase from a phone salesman which involved new ink cartridges and 45 day billing..it was the M&M's that sealed the deal.
3. Tomorrow is left over night..thank god..we will be eating a cornucopia of pot roast & veggies..meat sauce & pasta..steak sandwiches..and pasta with scampi sauce.
4. Thinking of this along with the M&M's make me want to consume nothing more than carrot juice the rest of the week.
5. I once made this You Won't Be Single For Long Pasta from Rachel Ray and he hated it, I haven't made one of her recipes since.
6. I do need recipes for 30 min. meals however that do not taste as though they only took a half an hour to prepare.
7. Salad bars freak me out, all of the items in the open like that with coughing children..fruit flies.. I don't trust them, anyone could just sneak up and add a little cyanide to the canned beats.
8. A much better idea would be for me to be proactive about dicing veggies & fruit when bought, put them in small labeled containers so salads would be easier to throw together or let everyone build their own.
9. I am intrigued by women who cook all of their meals for the week (rather prep) them on Sunday so it is just a matter of blending ingredients together and cooking through the week.
10. I can't remember the last time I had eggs.
11. I got my subscription to Practical Saver and this along with Bountiful Baskets should allow for next months grocery dollar to stretch considerably.
12. I used to be a coupon fanatic, I would save ridiculous amounts of money to aid in easing my growing families budget. But then I started buying things ahead of time I didn't need and developed a hoarding problem with scotch tape, body lotion and sharpies.
13. I have been lax on using coupons over the past few years as I have boycotted major grocery stores (for the most part) and shop local 90% of the time.
14.Asparagus is in season and on sale..we have been eating it for the last 3 weeks and I so need a new way to prepare it.Or shall I say 3 of us have been eating it and 2 of us haven't been touching it.
15. I wish I would have got around to making all of the fantastic soups that were slated for this Winter but I have run out of time..it is 90 degrees and somehow soup just doesn't jive when the A/C is blowing like crazy.
16. The last time I made something that involved chicken and the crock pot it scarred me , I don't think I will ever go there again..2 words greasy mess.
17. Cathy's Rum Cake will be making my reception cake.. I think cake doesn't get any better than this..it is the food of the gods.If I was stuck on a deserted island with only one food to survive on it would be rum cake.
18. I have tried out several restaurants owned by so called "celebrity chefs" in the city and left so not impressed. Don't believe the hype.
19.I have a thing for Thai food lately.. I need to learn how to make it as I want it more than going out will allow.
20.Praise be the husband who seasons and grills my fish before the 4 T-bones hit the grill for him and the boys.
1. I should have known better than to bring the 5 lb bag of peanut M&M's home
2. The peanut M&M's were a result of an impulsive purchase from a phone salesman which involved new ink cartridges and 45 day billing..it was the M&M's that sealed the deal.
3. Tomorrow is left over night..thank god..we will be eating a cornucopia of pot roast & veggies..meat sauce & pasta..steak sandwiches..and pasta with scampi sauce.
4. Thinking of this along with the M&M's make me want to consume nothing more than carrot juice the rest of the week.
5. I once made this You Won't Be Single For Long Pasta from Rachel Ray and he hated it, I haven't made one of her recipes since.
6. I do need recipes for 30 min. meals however that do not taste as though they only took a half an hour to prepare.
7. Salad bars freak me out, all of the items in the open like that with coughing children..fruit flies.. I don't trust them, anyone could just sneak up and add a little cyanide to the canned beats.
8. A much better idea would be for me to be proactive about dicing veggies & fruit when bought, put them in small labeled containers so salads would be easier to throw together or let everyone build their own.
9. I am intrigued by women who cook all of their meals for the week (rather prep) them on Sunday so it is just a matter of blending ingredients together and cooking through the week.
10. I can't remember the last time I had eggs.
11. I got my subscription to Practical Saver and this along with Bountiful Baskets should allow for next months grocery dollar to stretch considerably.
12. I used to be a coupon fanatic, I would save ridiculous amounts of money to aid in easing my growing families budget. But then I started buying things ahead of time I didn't need and developed a hoarding problem with scotch tape, body lotion and sharpies.
13. I have been lax on using coupons over the past few years as I have boycotted major grocery stores (for the most part) and shop local 90% of the time.
14.Asparagus is in season and on sale..we have been eating it for the last 3 weeks and I so need a new way to prepare it.Or shall I say 3 of us have been eating it and 2 of us haven't been touching it.
15. I wish I would have got around to making all of the fantastic soups that were slated for this Winter but I have run out of time..it is 90 degrees and somehow soup just doesn't jive when the A/C is blowing like crazy.
16. The last time I made something that involved chicken and the crock pot it scarred me , I don't think I will ever go there again..2 words greasy mess.
17. Cathy's Rum Cake will be making my reception cake.. I think cake doesn't get any better than this..it is the food of the gods.If I was stuck on a deserted island with only one food to survive on it would be rum cake.
18. I have tried out several restaurants owned by so called "celebrity chefs" in the city and left so not impressed. Don't believe the hype.
19.I have a thing for Thai food lately.. I need to learn how to make it as I want it more than going out will allow.
20.Praise be the husband who seasons and grills my fish before the 4 T-bones hit the grill for him and the boys.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Daybook 3-27-2011
Outside My Window: It is a beautiful 80 degrees with a high on Friday of 91.. enjoying every last bit of Spring before the Summer hits..which in usual fashion will be soon
I Am Thinking: Of getting outside for a walk.. ingredients for pasta salad...about homework for the week...about a nice warm bath to round out the day
From the Learning Room: Reviewing the film The Maltese Falcon.. studying Criminology, Judaism, Psychedelic Rock..
From the Kitchen: My Famous Chicken Wings: 2-3 lbs drumettes, soy sauce, honey, chili garlic sauce, oyster sauce, sesame oil, rice wine vinegar, more garlic, minced grn onions..let marinade for as long as time will allow.. bake at 350 for 3 hrs...turning wings over..broil on low turning frequently to get the sauce all nice and sticky..usually about 15 min... let sit for 10 min & serve with ranch or blue cheese..although they do stand on their own just fine.
I am Wearing: Khaki board shorts and a t-shirt with Hindu images bought from Vancouver I think.. All my shorts are too big this year..need new ones..
I am Creating: A space for reading & reflection in my front room..the bookcase is up and getting filled with some great reads
I am Going: To work my tail off this week to pay off our new truck by Summer
I am Reading: Vogue's HUGE Spring fashion issue, The New York Times Sunday Edition, Books by Erma Bombeck
I am Hoping: That Charlie has a great first week in his new position at work
I am Hearing: Show about Nasa on TV & the exploration of Mars that Nicky is watching
Around the House: Spring Cleaning is done and Easter decorations are getting ready to make an appearance
One of My Favorite Things: Is cuddling up to my new husband before we fall asleep at night & having pillow talk and giving shoulder rubs
A Few Plans For the Rest of the Week: There is a dentist apt. tomorrow for me, A Vit B shot later in the week.. Work & studies for me and the boys..but next weekend we will be enjoying the lovely days poolside at a resort..
A Few Images from my week
I Am Thinking: Of getting outside for a walk.. ingredients for pasta salad...about homework for the week...about a nice warm bath to round out the day
From the Learning Room: Reviewing the film The Maltese Falcon.. studying Criminology, Judaism, Psychedelic Rock..
From the Kitchen: My Famous Chicken Wings: 2-3 lbs drumettes, soy sauce, honey, chili garlic sauce, oyster sauce, sesame oil, rice wine vinegar, more garlic, minced grn onions..let marinade for as long as time will allow.. bake at 350 for 3 hrs...turning wings over..broil on low turning frequently to get the sauce all nice and sticky..usually about 15 min... let sit for 10 min & serve with ranch or blue cheese..although they do stand on their own just fine.
I am Wearing: Khaki board shorts and a t-shirt with Hindu images bought from Vancouver I think.. All my shorts are too big this year..need new ones..
I am Creating: A space for reading & reflection in my front room..the bookcase is up and getting filled with some great reads
I am Going: To work my tail off this week to pay off our new truck by Summer
I am Reading: Vogue's HUGE Spring fashion issue, The New York Times Sunday Edition, Books by Erma Bombeck
I am Hoping: That Charlie has a great first week in his new position at work
I am Hearing: Show about Nasa on TV & the exploration of Mars that Nicky is watching
Around the House: Spring Cleaning is done and Easter decorations are getting ready to make an appearance
One of My Favorite Things: Is cuddling up to my new husband before we fall asleep at night & having pillow talk and giving shoulder rubs
A Few Plans For the Rest of the Week: There is a dentist apt. tomorrow for me, A Vit B shot later in the week.. Work & studies for me and the boys..but next weekend we will be enjoying the lovely days poolside at a resort..
A Few Images from my week
While This Little Guy Was Keeping A Low Profile (How Many Nerf Guns Does One Household Need?) |
My Bed Filled With Legos.. Star Wars Guys..Light Sabers Torpedoes and Power Rangers |
This Mom is Keeping A Low Profile Tooo
(In Electric Blue Mascara)
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Whats Happening This Weekend
I hate Walmart.. I have only set foot in one probably 5 times in my life
(one being today)
(one being today)
& I can't stand it..not my kind of place
Nerf Guns are crazy...do we really need 15 of them in the house..really?
Praise be the husband who cooks his wife a big Italian dinner
Pretzel M&M's are oh so good
It feels like Sunday here's to 3 day weekends
A Bill Murray movie is in order for the evening
I actually took a nap today
and stared out the window at the beautiful view from my room
said the word pretentious then reminded myself to forgo the urge to label or say things
unless they are good things...
Friday, March 25, 2011
The Best Avocado Facemask... Ever
Best Avocado Face Mask
1 avocado pit removed & smashed
1/4 cup fine milled oats
2 tbsp honey
Splash hot water
Dash lemon juice
Blend till smooth, paint on face. Let sit for ten minutes. Remove with hot towels and rinse thoroughly.
Avocado are in season & in addition to utilizing them on your face and body eat em up!Here's a fun fact about Avocados.. they used to be dinosaur food some 50 million years ago in California. Did you know one avocado has 3X more potassium than a banana? It is considered to be " a perfect food."Meaning it could be ones sole source of nutrition. They feed nutrients to the blood.. coat and protect the lungs & large intestines.. and balance out the liver. In homeopathy it can be used for everything from ulcers to insomnia to colitis.Want beautiful skin and hair eat Avocados, high in Vit E & Beta Carotene smashed up they make a great hair conditioner too! I like to dice mine up & add them to everything from fruit salads to tacos to eggs, halve them & stuff with seafood salad or my favorite drizzle w a tad olive oil and lemon juice with garlic sea salt and pepper..
Here is a little Tip for today, hope everyone is enjoying their Friday with family, friends and fun.
~~~~Buddha lived in his own way, then a temple was born; then thousands followed and they started living like Buddha. They missed their goal. Buddha never followed anybody, his way was his own, he was happy~~
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Vegas Spring 2011
I did something epic in Las Vegas
I married the best man ever
I took the boys to see Love (Beatles) I have wanted to take them since
I saw the show 2 yrs ago. It was just as amazing different wonderful
They also saw Blue Man Group which resulted in one happy 10 yr old
We ate no less than 3 buffets
We lost 300 dollars..maybe it was 4
My wedding night: Awesome
Our song: Elvis I can't Help Falling In Love With You
I wore the boys out
Played slots that had real coins instead of vouchers
Made a stop by Laughlin
Said My Vows
Giggled while doing it
Fell in love even more
and Thanked The Lord
For Being
Such A Lucky Woman
Nothing makes a good wife like a good husband
Las Vegas is Everyman's cut-rate Babylon. Not far away there is, or was, a roadside lunch counter and over it a sign proclaiming in three words that a Roman emperor's orgy is now a democratic institution. "Topless Pizza Lunch." ~Alistair Cooke
Las Vegas looks the way you'd imagine heaven must look at night. ~Chuck Palahniuk
The night before I left Las Vegas I walked out in the desert to look at the moon. There was a jeweled city on the horizon, spires rising in the night, but the jewels were diadems of electric and the spires were the neon of signs ten stories high. ~Norman Mailer
Las Vegas: all the amenities of modern society in a habitat unfit to grow a tomato. ~Jason Love
Monday, March 21, 2011
First Day Of Spring...
It was one of those March days when the sun shines hot and the wind blows cold: when it is summer in the light, and winter in the shade. ~Charles Dickens
It's spring fever. That is what the name of it is. And when you've got it, you want - oh, you don't quite know what it is you do want, but it just fairly makes your heart ache, you want it so! ~Mark Twain
Spring is nature's way of saying, "Let's party!" ~Robin Williams
Wikieup, AZ March 2011 |
“Buddhism holds that everything is in constant flux. Thus the question is whether we are to accept change passively and be swept away by it or whether we are to take the lead and create positive changes on our own initiative. While conservatism and self-protection might be likened to winter, night, and death, the spirit of pioneering and attempting to realize ideals evokes images of spring, morning, and birth"
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Daybook 3 17 11
Outside my window...The weather is warm..days are filled with Sunshine and the perfection of Spring
I am thinking...About our trip to Vegas.. Taking the boys to see the Beatles Love..and where to have really really really good brunch while we are there...
I am thankful for...The Dr. that called with good news... going to a job every day which is rewarding in all ways.. that I am in love with every aspect of my life.. always my family
From the learning rooms...Reviewing the album Abbey Road song by song... studying Buddhism ( Zen) ...following the Noble Eightfold Path...
From the kitchen..... Corn Beef Cabbage Carrots Red Potatoes & Warm biscuits with strawberry jam.. It's St. Pattys Day.. just the veggies for me though (I do confess I tried one bite of the meat)
I am wearing.... Girly boxers with silky ribbons and fitted T which reads Love Me Not..Pjs
I am creating...balance in life
I am going...To do something very epic while in Vegas
I am reading...I Remember Nothing by Nora Ephron.. Erma Bombeck..Natural Guide to Skincare..T Magazine.. Vanity Fair..and Vouge ( 2 months worth of subscriptions are waiting to be read from 4 mags..)
I am hoping...To get lucky over the weekend..something tells me I will...
I am hearing...Man v Wild
Around the house...We are organized and in rhythm with life plants flowers and parakeets to compliment Springtime
One of my favorite things.... are kisses and hugs
A few plans for the rest of the week: We are doing our Vegas Vacation Griswold Style with family staying behind to prep the house for our grand arrival where we will come home millionaires!! Well all but the millionaire part..
I am thinking...About our trip to Vegas.. Taking the boys to see the Beatles Love..and where to have really really really good brunch while we are there...
I am thankful for...The Dr. that called with good news... going to a job every day which is rewarding in all ways.. that I am in love with every aspect of my life.. always my family
From the learning rooms...Reviewing the album Abbey Road song by song... studying Buddhism ( Zen) ...following the Noble Eightfold Path...
From the kitchen..... Corn Beef Cabbage Carrots Red Potatoes & Warm biscuits with strawberry jam.. It's St. Pattys Day.. just the veggies for me though (I do confess I tried one bite of the meat)
I am wearing.... Girly boxers with silky ribbons and fitted T which reads Love Me Not..Pjs
I am creating...balance in life
I am going...To do something very epic while in Vegas
I am reading...I Remember Nothing by Nora Ephron.. Erma Bombeck..Natural Guide to Skincare..T Magazine.. Vanity Fair..and Vouge ( 2 months worth of subscriptions are waiting to be read from 4 mags..)
I am hoping...To get lucky over the weekend..something tells me I will...
I am hearing...Man v Wild
Around the house...We are organized and in rhythm with life plants flowers and parakeets to compliment Springtime
One of my favorite things.... are kisses and hugs
A few plans for the rest of the week: We are doing our Vegas Vacation Griswold Style with family staying behind to prep the house for our grand arrival where we will come home millionaires!! Well all but the millionaire part..
Most of the photos taken this week were of Taekwondo Cookies & Charley Harper's Birds My Favourite of which is The Flamingo.. Find Me at The Simple Womans Daybook |
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
Tuesdays Twenty Things
I would like to get to know you..
You see Tuesday is often a day where I am at a loss for words.. Usually it involves the routine of work dinner laundry and sleep..nothing too exciting...
If the same can be said for you then lets make some new friends and get this party started..
I will be choosing 20 Things Every Tuesday in order to get to know you better..
All you have to do is make the list.. your answers can be funny or sentimental or both this is your rodeo!
Please add your Link to the post below.. and please link back to me the more on board the better!
( Pretty Little Buttons May Be Popping Up Here Shortly)
This Weeks Topic : 20 Things You Probably Don't Know About Me
1. I have been consistently employed since the age of 13
2. I remember everything I read
3. My book collection is in the hundreds
4. I am total OCD when it comes to dirty clothes if there is laundry in the basket I'm washin it same if it has only been worn briefly
5. I was in a relationship for 18 years.. 10 of which I was married
6. I have made a lot of bad decisions a lot of risky decisions but I have learned from them
7. I don't eat meat
8. I feel off if I don't get my weekly Vitamin B12 shot.. I call it my crack
9. My hairdresser is one of the most important men in my life
10. The decision to stop drinking alcohol was the single best decision I have ever made
11. And one of the hardest things I have ever had to do...
12. I am a huge Woody Allen fan ..New York Stories.. Nick Nolte painting to Procul Harum..enough said
13. I hate drinking water
14. I spend more money at Starbucks than I do my car payment every month
15. I know more about cars than most men do
16. I don't have many close friends and I prefer it that way
17. Chicken Wings and Pumpkin Cake are the 2 things I make best
18. My three boys are what makes my world go round
19. I have the love of a good man who has saved my life in so many ways but also saved me from myself
20. I currently have a fascination with Soy
Monday, March 14, 2011
Monday Moments
And by the way, everything in life is writable about if you have the outgoing guts to do it, and the imagination to improvise. The worst enemy to creativity is self-doubt. - Sylvia Plath
10 Things Which Randomly Describe My Day
1. I tricked myself into thinking it was a sleep in day and woke up late and tired with the song Give Peace a Chance in my head...
2. I had car trouble on the way to work and got stuck for a short period of time on the Indian reservation
3. I had to crack the whip on my two star employees to get customers cars done and was flipped a little attitude.
4. I ate dried mangoes and salt & pepper popcorn for lunch
5. Got my hair done after work for my big weekend in Vegas and left with a hair masque on which made me look like I had no hair cuz it was all stuck to my head and drove for 45 min like that around town
6. I told my Mom something my boyfriend wanted me to keep a secret and now I feel bad
7. Everyone made fun of the vegetarian sub I ate for dinner..
8. I learned that elephants are emotionally a lot like humans and that they grieve the death of loved ones, feel pain and sorrow and can die of a broken heart.
9. The cookies need to leave the house I ate 2 today..
10. House is really a pretty good show....
10 Things Which Randomly Describe My Day
1. I tricked myself into thinking it was a sleep in day and woke up late and tired with the song Give Peace a Chance in my head...
2. I had car trouble on the way to work and got stuck for a short period of time on the Indian reservation
3. I had to crack the whip on my two star employees to get customers cars done and was flipped a little attitude.
4. I ate dried mangoes and salt & pepper popcorn for lunch
5. Got my hair done after work for my big weekend in Vegas and left with a hair masque on which made me look like I had no hair cuz it was all stuck to my head and drove for 45 min like that around town
6. I told my Mom something my boyfriend wanted me to keep a secret and now I feel bad
7. Everyone made fun of the vegetarian sub I ate for dinner..
8. I learned that elephants are emotionally a lot like humans and that they grieve the death of loved ones, feel pain and sorrow and can die of a broken heart.
9. The cookies need to leave the house I ate 2 today..
10. House is really a pretty good show....
Sunday, March 13, 2011
The Simple Things...
Glimpse into the weekend...
Taekwondo Graduation ..From Blue to Brown
Charley Harpers Birds
Mastering The Art of The Perfect Chocolate Chip Cookie
That's My Boy!!
Bodhisattva: A being who is dedicated to liberating others from suffering.
The Body is the temple for the soul. On loan to us for the
short time we are here on earth.
Four Noble Truths:
1.Life inevitably involves suffering, is imperfect and unsatisfactory.
2. Suffering originates in our desires.
3. Suffering will cease if all desires cease.
4. There is a way to realize this state: The Noble Eightfold Path
This is the way things are. Right now nobody can help you; there is nothing
your family and your possessions can do for you.
All that can help you now is the correct awareness.
The Noble Eightfold Path
1. Comprehend reality correctly through The Four Noble Truths.
2. Uncover unwholesome roots behind our thinking such as caring what others think of us.
3. Relinquish the desire to gossip, lie, speak harshly and instead communicate truth and harmony.
4.Avoid destroying life
Sexual Misconduct
and Intoxicants.
5. Do not engage in a livelihood which harms others or destroys social harmony.
6.Cut off unwholesome states in the past, present, and future.
7. Discipline the mind, be present in the moment...the here and now.
8.Meditate to achieve calm and quiet in the mind. Breathe. Be Still.
Check Your Mind
Be on your guard
Pull yourself out
as an elephant from the mud..
Tell us what makes your soul sing
Wishing you a blessed week.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Subversive Saturday
Thomas Cobian 2011 |
I should have....
Wrote my paper for music class
Taken my World Religions midterm
Emptied the dishwasher
Dusted something
Windexed some stuff
Went shopping for something practical like a strapless bra
What I did instead to be Subversive?
Messed around the library
Went to the coffee shop three (yikes) times...Holy crap no it was four..
Did a fruitless search around town for chocolate covered espresso beans
Laid in bed and read for like three hours (Man...)
Drove way out of the way for Thai food & took pictures of midecentury modern light fixtures on the building next door to Touch of Thai...hehe
Forced my boyfriend to go into a Reflexology massage parlor in a strip mall (we didn't let anyone touch us)
Ate a bunch of salt & pepper popcorn
Hung out in Best Buy dream shopping for home theatre systems.. (this was not my idea..well sorta)
Mastering the art of doing nothing much... It's been a long day..but hey the kids are gone for one more day which like never happens..I think I need to sleep in tomorrow..Come on admit what you didn't do today?
Make me feel better. Thanks Lisa over at Its Own Sweet Will for reinforcing my list of excuses!
![]() |
Old Town Scottsdale 4th Street 2011 |
Taking Nothing For Granted....
It has been a very relaxing Saturday so far nestled by a beautiful Spring Day.. Slight breeze blowing and all the windows and doors are thrown open..The Spring Cleaning has pretty much been done and a fun night with my man is on the horizon for the evening..sure to include a good dinner and maybe a movie..I am trying to get him to go to this coffee house I was wandering by a few weeks back in Old Town but he seems to think we have to wear berets and sunglasses and snap our fingers Beatnick style..I think I should dress up turtleneck and all and ask him if he's ready..My trip to the library today yielded some new reads and wandering around I came upon some Nora Ephron books I haven't read but also the great late Erma Bombeck who was not only a funny and amazing realist but a great woman...from time to time I read what she had written below when she found out she was diagnosed with Cancer...in light of what I am going through right now I thought it was worth a re-post..as it's been a while..Nicholas graduated to his brown belt in Taekwondo this morning and held his own when sparring with a grown man who was 6 ft tall...very proud of him..look around it is a beautiful life isn't it?
If I Had To Live My Life Over
-Erma Bombeck
I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I weren’t there for the day.
I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage.
I would have talked less and listened more.
I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained, or the sofa faded.
I would have eaten the popcorn in the “good” living room and worried much less about the dirt when someone wanted to light a fire in the fireplace.
I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth.
I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up on a summer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed.
I would have sat on the lawn with my children and not worried about grass stains.
I would have cried and laughed less while watching television, and more while watching life.
I would never have bought anything just because it was practical, wouldn’t show soil, or was guaranteed to last a lifetime.
Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I’d have cherished every moment and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle.
When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said, “Later. Now go get washed up for dinner.”
There would have been more “I love you’s.” More “I’m sorry’s.”
But mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute… look at it and really see it… live it… and never give it back.
Stop sweating the small stuff. Don’t worry about who doesn’t like you, who has more, or who’s doing what.
Instead, let’s cherish the relationships we have with those who DO love us.
Let’s think about what God HAS blessed us with.
And what we are doing each day to promote ourselves mentally, physically, emotionally, as well as spiritually.
Life is too short to let it pass you by.
We only have one shot at this and then it’s gone.
I hope you all have a blessed day.
If I Had To Live My Life Over
-Erma Bombeck
I would have gone to bed when I was sick instead of pretending the earth would go into a holding pattern if I weren’t there for the day.
I would have burned the pink candle sculpted like a rose before it melted in storage.
I would have talked less and listened more.
I would have invited friends over to dinner even if the carpet was stained, or the sofa faded.
I would have eaten the popcorn in the “good” living room and worried much less about the dirt when someone wanted to light a fire in the fireplace.
I would have taken the time to listen to my grandfather ramble about his youth.
I would never have insisted the car windows be rolled up on a summer day because my hair had just been teased and sprayed.
I would have sat on the lawn with my children and not worried about grass stains.
I would have cried and laughed less while watching television, and more while watching life.
I would never have bought anything just because it was practical, wouldn’t show soil, or was guaranteed to last a lifetime.
Instead of wishing away nine months of pregnancy, I’d have cherished every moment and realized that the wonderment growing inside me was the only chance in life to assist God in a miracle.
When my kids kissed me impetuously, I would never have said, “Later. Now go get washed up for dinner.”
There would have been more “I love you’s.” More “I’m sorry’s.”
But mostly, given another shot at life, I would seize every minute… look at it and really see it… live it… and never give it back.
Stop sweating the small stuff. Don’t worry about who doesn’t like you, who has more, or who’s doing what.
Instead, let’s cherish the relationships we have with those who DO love us.
Let’s think about what God HAS blessed us with.
And what we are doing each day to promote ourselves mentally, physically, emotionally, as well as spiritually.
Life is too short to let it pass you by.
We only have one shot at this and then it’s gone.
I hope you all have a blessed day.
Friday, March 11, 2011
Daybook March 11 11
Outside my window...The chill in the air has given way to warm days of Spring..Mosquito hawks linger around the lights..jackets are kept in the closet..sun is shining bright..and the days are getting longer
I am thinking...About my weekly trip I make to the library tomorrow...how a visit to the little resale book store always results in a treasure such as last weeks thousand page Modern Art book..How my oldest sons first teacher in town volunteers there..and I enjoy our chats as much as I do browsing for books..and I think she needs cookies tomorrow..hell we both need cookies..
I am thankful for...the fact that I went to the Dermatologist when I did and how taking care of my body is a priority to me, there were times I was too busy to do so..or thought I was.. ...I am thankful for medical insurance and that we are all healthy
From the learning rooms...You may have noticed me mentioning John Lennon more than usual..I am writing papers on The British Invasion and can't help myself..I am studying Buddhism (Zen)..and reviewing the classic movie The Maltese Falcon...Nicholas and I will be reading and studying Space exploration on Spring Break
From the kitchen..... I am eating extraordinary..Fresh smoothies every day typically filled with strawberries,blueberries,a banana, ground flax seeds,soy milk,cascade fresh yogurt and ice..sometimes I add in greens..vitamin c powder..and a little honey.. I am making Annie's organic soy cheese pizzas with wheat crust.. avocado ripe tomato soy cheese and salt/pepper on whole wheat sandwiches... and hummus lots of hummus with pine nuts and roasted peppers
I am wearing...My Woodstock T-Shirt fashioned after a vintage poster..and girly boxer shorts = My PJs
I am creating...Areas in my home that beg for you to sit for a while and relax...think mismatched pillows..lamps with beaded shades..baskets of good things to read..records waiting to be played
I am going...To take everyone to Las Vegas next weekend for Spring Break....road trip time!
I am reading...The Purification Plan: Total Body Detox, 101 Feng Shui Tips for The Home, Ms Manners Guide to Domestic Tranquility, The Farmhouse Cookbook,Charlie Harpers 101 Birds, Cooking Light Magazine, Mastering The Art of French Cooking Vol 2
I am hoping...The Nuclear Power Plant in Japan doesn't have a meltdown
I am hearing...Chelsea Lately carry on downstairs although I can't make out what she is saying
Around the house...It is quiet the boys won't be home until Monday
One of my favorite things.... Is waking up early enough in the morning to have time to savor a cup of coffee a little morning news some reading and a hot shower before work..
A few plans for the rest of the week: well it is weekend now... I am going to watch Nicholas test for a new belt in Taekwondo tomorrow morning..go to the library..have a movie night with my man..make him something special for dinner...sleep in Sunday..take my midterm exam..write a short paper..read the NY times and shop for a dress... ya the weekends are never long enough
I am thinking...About my weekly trip I make to the library tomorrow...how a visit to the little resale book store always results in a treasure such as last weeks thousand page Modern Art book..How my oldest sons first teacher in town volunteers there..and I enjoy our chats as much as I do browsing for books..and I think she needs cookies tomorrow..hell we both need cookies..
I am thankful for...the fact that I went to the Dermatologist when I did and how taking care of my body is a priority to me, there were times I was too busy to do so..or thought I was.. ...I am thankful for medical insurance and that we are all healthy
From the learning rooms...You may have noticed me mentioning John Lennon more than usual..I am writing papers on The British Invasion and can't help myself..I am studying Buddhism (Zen)..and reviewing the classic movie The Maltese Falcon...Nicholas and I will be reading and studying Space exploration on Spring Break
From the kitchen..... I am eating extraordinary..Fresh smoothies every day typically filled with strawberries,blueberries,a banana, ground flax seeds,soy milk,cascade fresh yogurt and ice..sometimes I add in greens..vitamin c powder..and a little honey.. I am making Annie's organic soy cheese pizzas with wheat crust.. avocado ripe tomato soy cheese and salt/pepper on whole wheat sandwiches... and hummus lots of hummus with pine nuts and roasted peppers
I am wearing...My Woodstock T-Shirt fashioned after a vintage poster..and girly boxer shorts = My PJs
I am creating...Areas in my home that beg for you to sit for a while and relax...think mismatched pillows..lamps with beaded shades..baskets of good things to read..records waiting to be played
I am going...To take everyone to Las Vegas next weekend for Spring Break....road trip time!
I am reading...The Purification Plan: Total Body Detox, 101 Feng Shui Tips for The Home, Ms Manners Guide to Domestic Tranquility, The Farmhouse Cookbook,Charlie Harpers 101 Birds, Cooking Light Magazine, Mastering The Art of French Cooking Vol 2
I am hoping...The Nuclear Power Plant in Japan doesn't have a meltdown
I am hearing...Chelsea Lately carry on downstairs although I can't make out what she is saying
Around the house...It is quiet the boys won't be home until Monday
One of my favorite things.... Is waking up early enough in the morning to have time to savor a cup of coffee a little morning news some reading and a hot shower before work..
A few plans for the rest of the week: well it is weekend now... I am going to watch Nicholas test for a new belt in Taekwondo tomorrow morning..go to the library..have a movie night with my man..make him something special for dinner...sleep in Sunday..take my midterm exam..write a short paper..read the NY times and shop for a dress... ya the weekends are never long enough
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...
I did not take many pictures this week.. but one that stands out is
the small table I have in my front room which was
set and decorated by my son Nick, who is ten
before we sat down to a wonderful dinner of Shrimp Scampi
and fresh bread Charlie made for us last Saturday...
Want to see what everyone else is up to?
Check out The Simple Womans Daybook
and read about other women, like me who find beauty in the every day.
If you daybook please feel free to add a link to your post in a comment!
Happy Weekend
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