Making : It up as I go along and delightfully following this rhythm of life
Cooking :Green Smoothies..Pineapple Upside Down Cake...Cinnamon Rolls..Italian Sausages...Veggies and Brown Rice
Drinking : Smoothies with lots of veggies fruits and flax...and more water
Reading: A Spiritual Home: Guide to a toxin free house...Moving On by Sarah Ban Breathenach.. Spiritual Cooking..Recipes of Ancient Traditions...along with schoolbooks of course
Wanting: New tennis rackets so I can get out there and beat Charlie
Looking: around me for inspiration in the every day
Playing: jokes and tricks
Wasting: leftovers more than I would like to be
Sewing: Nada
Wishing: For a lovely Springtime
Enjoying: My Classes
Waiting: A few more days until I can register for Summer School..and excited to take the Mid Century Modern Architecture class
Liking: my pretty new things..golden earrings...Lacey dresses..textured tights..skinny jeans..and flowy spring tops
Wondering: If there will be time for a nap today
Loving: My home and family
Hoping: We can do Vegas next month
Marvelling: Over magical things that occur when you open your heart and mind to them
Needing: Yoga
Smelling: Orchids
Wearing: Flashy costume jewelry..keds..skinny jeans and silky dresses
Following: The right path
Noticing: How everything is going amazingly smooth
Knowing: The right and wrong way to go about doing things
Thinking: That taking it easy on yourself is a good thing
Bookmarking: Blogs on running a toxin free home
Opening: The NY Times ...Schoolbooks
Giggling: at Charlie
Feeling: Very very fortunate
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