So excited to see each other! |
My little man has been gone for almost 2 weeks where he has been camping on the beach in So Cal with his Dad, enjoying the festivities in Lake Arrowhead for the 4th and having all kinds of fun. 2 weeks is a long time, I am so happy to have him home..We made the couple three hour drive to meet Dad, Dads girlfriend and pick him up today, I don't know what it is about car rides..the first half of the trip I am usually hopped up on caffeine and the second half I can barely keep my eyes open. It doesn't help much that my passengers seat may very well be the most uncomfortable passenger seat in the world..it has the twisted locked up seat syndrome most BMW's catch. It's kind of surreal seeing the father of your child like for five minutes every few months..this was a person who used to live with me for a long period of time, for whom I was engaged to, danced with laughed with,talked all day and night with, took trips with,loved with..and now it's like we are strangers as if he never knew me and I never knew him. It's strange how that happens..but people I guess they just come and go. I never gained my consciousness fully today after only getting maybe 4 1/2 hrs of sleep..hell I should be sleeping right now but for some strange reason I get a second wind around ten..getting back into the swing of things this coming up work week will be fun times. I was woken up probably 4 times last night to the sound of my neighbors arguing..they are a sweet couple and hope they can pull through whatever problems they are facing...nothing good to say about staying up all night fighting with someone.I did manage to do a half hour of yoga today..even if they were just mainly seated positions and make an awesome dinner bacon wrapped fillets, spicy pasta salad with smoked Gouda and tomatoes, corn casserole, and raspberry cobbler with vanilla bean ice cream...thanks
Pioneer Woman. That was about all I was good for today..speaking of work next week can you say "pending doom"? Well tomorrow is Sunday thankfully and hopefully after a good night rest will have one more day to enjoy the these great boys and have a little downtime before the circus begins.. if there is any hope of that happening it may be a good idea to put down the coffee..like now.
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