It is the last weekend of the month and I have declared Christmas In July..but this my friends is not like your traditional celebration.. Stringing lights may take place..but only if they are neon colors and some palm trees thrown in for good measure.. Cookies abound as do pies and gingerbread.. and a Christmas dinner getting set to go in the oven..Prime Rib...Scalloped Potatoes..Fresh Corn Casserole & a 12 Layer Salad...After dinner we will be opening up a bunch of small gifts, gag gifts ( think fake vomit and whoopee cushions)...we may even sing...but only if it's Elvis...What are you doing this weekend??
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Christmas In July
It is the last weekend of the month and I have declared Christmas In July..but this my friends is not like your traditional celebration.. Stringing lights may take place..but only if they are neon colors and some palm trees thrown in for good measure.. Cookies abound as do pies and gingerbread.. and a Christmas dinner getting set to go in the oven..Prime Rib...Scalloped Potatoes..Fresh Corn Casserole & a 12 Layer Salad...After dinner we will be opening up a bunch of small gifts, gag gifts ( think fake vomit and whoopee cushions)...we may even sing...but only if it's Elvis...What are you doing this weekend??
It is the last weekend of the month and I have declared Christmas In July..but this my friends is not like your traditional celebration.. Stringing lights may take place..but only if they are neon colors and some palm trees thrown in for good measure.. Cookies abound as do pies and gingerbread.. and a Christmas dinner getting set to go in the oven..Prime Rib...Scalloped Potatoes..Fresh Corn Casserole & a 12 Layer Salad...After dinner we will be opening up a bunch of small gifts, gag gifts ( think fake vomit and whoopee cushions)...we may even sing...but only if it's Elvis...What are you doing this weekend??
Deal With the Devil
She was listed as an "endangered/abused child" in Utah , but apparently we lack a nationwide database in this country which allows for states to communicate between them when a child's family has been under investigation for suspected abuse. It seems her family moved around a lot and had recently settled in South Phoenix, which is no surprise given the fact that there were 12 children and 4 adults living in the home, many more lived among the backyard in tents. The neighbors thought they were strange given the fact that babies could be seen wearing next to nothing, sometimes without diapers, being fed in their high chairs in the front 1 am.The children were home schooled which is no surprise either although I doubt highly there was much schooling going on in their small home which investigators would later note was overcome by trash and debris. On a sweltering hot Phoenix morning police would be called to the home and there they would be told an elaborate tale.That 10 year old Ame Deal, who by all accounts of everyone living in the home liked to play hide and seek had found her final resting place while playing a game with her sister. She must have fallen asleep in the box, they said. They would tell officers that it was amazing how she could fit into some of the hiding places she would get into. That when the family went to bed at 1 am they assumed she was already asleep. The officers found her in a footlocker, she would have had to be quite a contortionist to fit in there.What they didn't know at the time was she was forced into it and a padlock was placed to make sure she couldn't escape. I wonder if they heard her cries or gave it a second thought when they stopped, what did they expect to find in the morning. Ame was found in dirty soiled clothing, she had wet herself much like she did on any given night..that is why she was forced to sleep in a shower stall and forbidden from having a bed to rest on. Who would do this incomprehensible act, who would stand by and allow for it to happen..what could she possibly have done to warrant such an evil act that cost her her life? She took a Popsicle out of the refrigerator on a hot summer day, a day where the temperature was well over 100 degrees.. It was on that hot day she was made to do back bends one after the other as she would be kicked every time her back got tired, then she had to run outside to the point of exhaustion. Kind of like the time she had to walk back and forth down the street barefooted while neighbors watched as punishment on a day that reached 118 degrees. Watched and said nothing, to no one. This is what happened before she was forced in the footlocker, and the padlock was placed on it. What we do know now is that investigators didn't buy their story and that this little girl had been enduring years of abuse which involved having been forced to consume dog feces, having it rubbed on her face, she had been beaten by a board and hot sauce was poured in her mouth. This is probably nothing compared to what really went on behind closed doors. This is not your typical case of child abuse where you may have one person in the home who is the abuser, usually a boyfriend of the mother or a step dad and another, often times the mother who doesn't stop it. No in this case the abuse was committed not only by her Grandmother but both of her Aunts, her Aunts husband and more than likely her father who lived in the home. Although he hasn't been arrested yet he was aware of the abuse and did nothing, said nothing to stop it. This wasn't her first time in the footlocker, the people saw her in it before, the ones in the backyard...they witnessed it being kicked, spun around, flipped over and over on many occassions..with Ame inside. They didn't think to say anything, or do anything to stop it... 4 people have been arrested so looks as though none of them have teeth..her biological mother who gave her up 4 years ago because she was living on the streets sure doesn't.. you know what this says to me? Meth addicts...that much is apparent. You hear stories like this and you think how could anyone do something like this..for many of us it is incomprehensible... We are not born as evil human beings what has to happen that causes an entire family that was supposed to have loved and cared for this child to abuse her, all of them and leave her to die. How could people have been aware of the abuse and witness these horrific acts yet closed their curtains, turned there heads and said nothing at all? Stories like this weigh heavy on me because I have to look at the people and consider the influence of the substances they took and how it affected their decisions and behavior. ..But I think the answer to this is simple..there are two kinds of people on this earth and the devil is alive and well and living on it.
Friday, July 29, 2011
Star Crossed Lovers
In retrospect I should have known when on our first date I asked for his birthday & looked up which Chinese sign he was on the paper place mat at Ha Ha China, He was a Sheep.. it said to marry a snake or a rat but never ever the Ox... I was the Ox who's sign read to never marry the Sheep....Good thing we didn't get married but what a year that was.
Yale Collection of American Literature, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library Alfred Stieglitz attached this photograph to a letter for Georgia O'Keeffe, dated July 10, 1929. Below the photograph he wrote, "I have destroyed 300 prints to-day. And much more literature. I haven't the heart to destroy this..." |
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Daybook 7-28-2k11
Outside My Window: There is a rouge rattlesnake somewhere behind my house and the open field behind it.. and bats..lots of bats..
I Am Thinking Of: Modern Architecture (can you tell) I have been all wrapped up in the preservation efforts of the Kronish home in Beverly Hills this week and getting lost in Curbed LA. I have been researching internships and thinking about the rest of the year. I have been all over the place in my mind.
I Am Thankful For: The opportunity to study with a great group of people at the Clear Light Buddhist Center, last Sunday we talked about being a person who acts instead of reacts, how to reel in the mind and counteract laziness.. these things take practice and in small ways the messages are making an appearance in the day to day throughout the week.
From The Kitchen: A big pot of homemade spaghetti, cheesy garlic bread and a tossed salad. Perfect TLC food for me and these cranky boys this evening.
I Am Creating: strong muscles...memories..perfect poinsettias
I Am Going: To lay low this weekend, have a few things on the agenda to do but not certain I will do anything at all that involves leaving the house..I plan on cleaning the palace, reading and spending time with my little man...the older boys are going to be in San Diego so it will be a good time for some one on one time with my baby..
I Am Reading: Newspapers.. blogs...Vouge Magazine..Leo Buscaglia Loving Each other
I Am Hearing: Hoarders
From The Teaching Rooms: My month of free learning so far I have been consumed with architecture and historians.
Around The House: Neat Orderly & Clean but needs my attention....
One Of My Favorite Things: Potato Chips...I go crazy if they are not around, I don't eat a lot of them but I have to eat some almost every day.. they make me happy (especially the jalapeno ones)
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: A busy day of running around and work tomorrow..hopefully a quiet weekend... hows making it a point to rise between 4 and 5 am for the rest of the week sound..
Here Are A Few Pictures From The Week To Share
I Am Thinking Of: Modern Architecture (can you tell) I have been all wrapped up in the preservation efforts of the Kronish home in Beverly Hills this week and getting lost in Curbed LA. I have been researching internships and thinking about the rest of the year. I have been all over the place in my mind.
I Am Thankful For: The opportunity to study with a great group of people at the Clear Light Buddhist Center, last Sunday we talked about being a person who acts instead of reacts, how to reel in the mind and counteract laziness.. these things take practice and in small ways the messages are making an appearance in the day to day throughout the week.
From The Kitchen: A big pot of homemade spaghetti, cheesy garlic bread and a tossed salad. Perfect TLC food for me and these cranky boys this evening.
I Am Creating: strong muscles...memories..perfect poinsettias
I Am Going: To lay low this weekend, have a few things on the agenda to do but not certain I will do anything at all that involves leaving the house..I plan on cleaning the palace, reading and spending time with my little man...the older boys are going to be in San Diego so it will be a good time for some one on one time with my baby..
I Am Reading: Newspapers.. blogs...Vouge Magazine..Leo Buscaglia Loving Each other
I Am Hearing: Hoarders
From The Teaching Rooms: My month of free learning so far I have been consumed with architecture and historians.
Around The House: Neat Orderly & Clean but needs my attention....
One Of My Favorite Things: Potato Chips...I go crazy if they are not around, I don't eat a lot of them but I have to eat some almost every day.. they make me happy (especially the jalapeno ones)
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: A busy day of running around and work tomorrow..hopefully a quiet weekend... hows making it a point to rise between 4 and 5 am for the rest of the week sound..
Here Are A Few Pictures From The Week To Share
This is what I see from my bed when I wake up every morning, I will never get sick of this view..![]() |
What is the matter with people?
If I was to ask you that question what would your answer be? Richard Rotenberg lied his way into buying the famous Maslon House from the family of the late Samuel and Louella Maslon. Their children put the house on the market with the intention of selling only to a buyer who would preserve the integrity of the home designed by the late, great Richard Neutra, one of only a few properties designed by Neutra in the Palm Springs area. Within 30 days the house was torn down, he destroyed it..he even had audacity to leave the furniture and curtains. This was a home featured throughout many publications namely Architectural Digest and through the years housed one of the most elaborate collections of modern art, something the Maslons were passionate about. What he built in it's place was a joke, another stucco eye sore with no character, ordinary..disgusting. Who does something like that, Richard Rotenberg thats who. He could have bought any home but chose to destroy this timeless masterpiece, it is places like this that help to make Palm Springs distinguishable, however for $45.00 they issued a permit, no questions asked for it's demolition. Somebody screwed up. I know that "if a man wants to burn a Picasso, he can burn his Picasso" but there is a greater responsibility here. Richard Rotenberg succeeded in only one thing and one thing only he will go down in history as the man that made everyone sick...
God forbid something like this was to happen again, and unfortunately another Neutra designed home in Beverly Hills is in danger of meeting the same fate. The Kronish house built in 1955 is heading for demolition unless the buyers will consider allowing for the property to be moved or the city of Beverly Hills takes action. It is the only Neutra designed home in Beverly Hills that remains original, the other two homes were demolished and severely altered. Check out the real estate listing that includes some recent photos here. It is being listed at nearly 14 million dollars, a pretty penny above the 5.8 million dollars the owners paid for it last January when they bought it out of foreclosure. The property on Sunset Blvd. is a private oasis, not visible from the street. Richard Neutra's son Dion has been working tirelessly to not only protect his late fathers legacy but to save these treasured residences.
Please contact the office of the Mayor and City Council by Thursday, July 28, and have your friends and colleagues do the same.
If you live or work in Beverly Hills, please identify yourself as a constituent and include your address.
E-mail:, copy
Phone: (310) 285-1013
Many thanks to everyone who has already called or e-mailed -- it makes a real difference.
Thank you!
Before & After Demolition "There reaches a point, when not enough of something has been preserved, or in the absence of proximity, as new growth moves in with new or older forms, you begin to lose identity and the character that makes a place unique or remarkable." -Eric Wills, Preservation Magazine |
the Maslon Home "Neutra was also known for catering sensitively to the needs of his clients, so that their houses would be not only functional but would also nurture their owners psychologically." The New York Times |
Richard J.Neutra, Kronish House, 1953, pastel on paper, courtesy Palm Springs Art Museum. |
God forbid something like this was to happen again, and unfortunately another Neutra designed home in Beverly Hills is in danger of meeting the same fate. The Kronish house built in 1955 is heading for demolition unless the buyers will consider allowing for the property to be moved or the city of Beverly Hills takes action. It is the only Neutra designed home in Beverly Hills that remains original, the other two homes were demolished and severely altered. Check out the real estate listing that includes some recent photos here. It is being listed at nearly 14 million dollars, a pretty penny above the 5.8 million dollars the owners paid for it last January when they bought it out of foreclosure. The property on Sunset Blvd. is a private oasis, not visible from the street. Richard Neutra's son Dion has been working tirelessly to not only protect his late fathers legacy but to save these treasured residences.
Please contact the office of the Mayor and City Council by Thursday, July 28, and have your friends and colleagues do the same.
Please convey the following points, in your own words as much as possible:
- You are aware of the potential demolition of the Kronish (pronounced CROW-nish) House by Richard Neutra.
- The house is a significant work by a master architect and an important piece of Beverly Hills history.
- The Kronish House is one of only three Neutra designs ever built in Beverly Hills, and it is the only one that remains intact.
- The City of Beverly Hills has no protections for its historic structures -- there isn't even a process to review the planned demolition.
- Urge the Mayor and the City Council to do whatever they can to at least delay the demolition until other options can be adequately considered, including relocation or finding another buyer.
If you live or work in Beverly Hills, please identify yourself as a constituent and include your address.
E-mail:, copy
Phone: (310) 285-1013
Many thanks to everyone who has already called or e-mailed -- it makes a real difference.
Thank you!
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Scottsdale Has Vegas Syndrome
Old Town Scottsdale recently turned 60, in it's history Old Town as we like to call it here has evolved into something of a nemesis from what it once was. Of course it depends on who you ask, I think the majority of long time residents, the ones who live here pay their taxes and are concerned about the integrity of the community would agree.It was and still remains for the most part a hub for tourists with it's kitchy shops and well heeled eateries. It is a shopping mecca with the advent of places like Fashion Square and the Canal shops and a trendy paradise of silicone where everything is bejeweled and ignorance is bliss. Having owned a business in Old Town for the past 15 years and as a past resident I have saw first hand these changes taking place. The high rises don't bother me, I think they did a beautiful job on Scottsdale Rd. & Camelback as a whole, and the canal shops married together with the Soleri bridge makes for a real destination place with plenty of good places to eat and spend. As a matter of fact Old Town is full of good spots to eat, the Italian Grotto, Olive & Ivy, Eddie's House, Cowboy Ciao among others all help to make Old Town a real destination spot for fine dining as more and more up and coming chefs moved into the neighborhood offering up every type of cuisine one can think of. Then theres the seedy side, the side you see as the sun goes down and it becomes like hedonism two. It wasn't always this way, Old Town has for years been a place where galleries flourish and the art walks certainly have their own fan club, as a matter of fact the downtown arts scene is vibrant and alive and Scottsdale Public Art has been successful in making things happen, of course the crowning achievement being the Soleri Bridge and the Scottsdale Museum of Modern Art, this coupled with the civic center helps breath life into the city and it is this art scene that brings out its uniqueness. If they would have only saved the Safari Hotel... The last time I took my kids down there for pizza I decided that coming down here at night was no longer a place for families,while walking to Oreganos we witnessed a group of college kids picking a fight with a guy(who was with his family) because they made asinine comments about the guys car... The downfall of Old Town has been the countless bars and clubs that have opened up in close proximity to one another that have taken over like gangbusters much to the dismay of residents living in or around the center of it all, in particular South of Camelback Rd. from Stetson to Scottsdale Rd. Take a trip down here at night you will find scores of drunk people, many of whom get behind the wheel as DUI enforcement is a joke in this neck of the woods, neighborhoods filled with trash as the overflow of cars line the streets in and throughout the residential neighborhoods because simply there is no where to park. And now we hear of the monstrosity that will be the new beach club, built right on Scottsdale Rd in the heart of the joke they like to call the "entertainment district" which in reality is just a bunch of overpriced bars and clubs full of 21 yr olds looking to either pick a fight, score a line or get lucky. The have Mill for that don't they? The beach club is a 2 acre 60 million dollar development with a total of 60 parking places. This is a far cry from the "Beverly Hills of Arizona" it's shitty, it's dirty, it's fake, and unfortunately what we see happening is Old Town has just become a place to come to get screwed up, loose your pants, and maybe ride a mechanical bull while you are at it. It could have been so much more..
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
End of Summer Deals & Steals
Pretty soon the dog days of summer will be drawing to a close and like the post holiday sales this is a great time to indulge in some items to perk things up outside at a fantastic savings. Patio furniture, decorative items, gardening needs and even grills can often be found at a huge savings.Bistro sets abound at an average of 50-70% off as does funky outdoor serving pieces. I think the best way to jazz up an existing set or add a little magic to your patio area can be as simple as doing just a few things to give the area a new look. Often times these things can be taken into fall when the weather is cooler as there will still be ample time to grill and enjoy the outdoors. The trend this season is bright colors and funky patterns. The crazier the better. This can even involve giving your neutral toned patio furniture and wicker a bright coat of paint, I like tangerine orange and seashell blues. I have been poking around getting a plan in mind so when these sales hit I can swoop in and give my sitting areas a whole new vibe. This is what I have in my sights to do.....
String Lights, I loooooove string lights, there are so many cute designs from dragonflies to colored bulbs to lights with little wicker shades...and they are a fun way to change the look season to season..I am also thinking of a fun garden stool and new table wear that will continue to bring the outdoors in even after the cold sets in. As far as pillows are concerned who says they have to be purchased in the outdoor department, many finds can be found in the bedding and linens sections of stores where typically you may find one or two lone pillows marked down considerably, the object here is not to match but to be creative....If I had the space I would also be considering a small mattress on a frame with wheels full of pillows which beckons one for an outdoor nap or a good place to curl up with the kids and read a book....
String Lights, I loooooove string lights, there are so many cute designs from dragonflies to colored bulbs to lights with little wicker shades...and they are a fun way to change the look season to season..I am also thinking of a fun garden stool and new table wear that will continue to bring the outdoors in even after the cold sets in. As far as pillows are concerned who says they have to be purchased in the outdoor department, many finds can be found in the bedding and linens sections of stores where typically you may find one or two lone pillows marked down considerably, the object here is not to match but to be creative....If I had the space I would also be considering a small mattress on a frame with wheels full of pillows which beckons one for an outdoor nap or a good place to curl up with the kids and read a book....
![]() |
These bamboo shaded lights which I have already picked up 4 sets of at Safeway at 75% off will be adding a rustic feel to the ficus trees and pillars lending a sense of warmth. |
These brightly colored ceramic garden stools have got my attention and would be cute to use as a place to set cold drinks or to hold an unruly fern.. |
The hanging bamboo chair, they have come a long way from the 1960's & 1970's when they surged in popularity in large part due to the design houses in Great Britain. I would love to find a vintage one in good condition in a thrift store but there are plenty of modern day versions appearing on the market today, most are more durable than yesterdays and have a hefty price tag to go along with them, these are definitely something to watch the sales for... |
These little outdoor tray tables at $39.99 a piece from Remodalista are a bargain at the given price and have so many uses outdoors. They are best used as an individual serving space, draped with a pretty linen napkin with nothing more than a small mason jar with a tea light as decoration. |
This popular Mid Century design patio furniture can be taken from drab to fab with colorful cushions or better yet a new coat of paint... electric blue perhaps? |
Instead of running these small white bulbs along the perimeter stringing them from side to side makes for a more intimate feel and gives a sense of European Flair. What is inspiring you this summer? |
Monday, July 25, 2011
A Haver in the Rough
My love affair with mid-century modern architecture began about 4 years ago when I was considering doing a project showcasing the old motels on Van Buren Rd here in Phoenix. In retrospect it was a project I should have taken on as a few of these lovelies have fallen into wreckage in the years since, as a matter of fact they are now few and far between. I happened upon this wonderful site which I have spent countless hours pouring over called Modern Phoenix. I was delighted when I won tickets to attend their home tour 2011 in Sunnyslope a few months back. Although I am drawn to Palm Springs and architecture throughout Southern California for good reason I tend to sympathize with what is happening in the local scene and often times drool over an Al Beadle or Fred Guirey home when it comes up for sale. Ralph Haver has always been and still remains one of the architects who's work I can tend to get lost in, the simplicity so well defined in his homes has led to many a day dream about perhaps owning one myself some day as his homes, for the most part are attainable to me. Living in phoenix has been bittersweet, it is well known that we are a state that lacks in our preservation and conservation and for the most part we have no real rhyme or reason to our neighborhoods or design. It has become in large part a sea of stucco jungles, tract homes and plazas on every corner, most of which sit empty. Fortunately we also have those pocket areas which are up and coming and show real character and promise. We are home to the late great Frank Lloyd Wright school at Taliesin and the enigmatic Arcosanti which whether you love or hate the new Soleri bridge in Old Town Scottsdale you cannot dismiss the value of Soleris body of work. It is pure and original, like nothing else. I am not much for newer homes, I am of the mind set that older homes are full of character waiting for life to be breathed into them by a family. I am always looking at homes, many a night I fall asleep fantasizing re-models in my head room by room..I have had projects in my head that have lasted for years. I have been doing this for as long as I can remember. I can look beyond the plight others have created for instance and see nothing but possibility. This past weekend I noticed a little snippet my mother clipped out of the paper for me of a Haver home for sale in Phoenix within my price range and immediately I lit up. I spoke to a realtor today who told me that it is a one owner home, the same family has lived there since 1956. The downfall they have done two additions which seems to have compromised the integrity of the design somewhat. The yard doesn't look as though it is very big, as a matter of fact it looks very narrow in the rear of the property. In looking at these photos these are the things that stand out to me...artist studio above the carport..slump block pillars inside the home, those fantastic windows, the cabinets, the wide back door, the pitched ceilings, the wood shelving and paneling, the huge front yard, the tile and wallpaper in the bathroom.. the home sits on a main drag however while it is a well traveled street I wouldn't call it a major thoroughfare.Lord knows there are nicer Haver homes in the valley. The neighborhood seems like a foreign country compared to where I have lived for the last 15 years tucked away in the mountains in my own little safety zone up here where I deal with little to no traffic, can't go anywhere with out running into some one I know and everyone at the coffee shop knows me by name and has my drink ready before I set foot in the door. I sometimes think change would be good for me, after all I grew up in the city for the most part and it does have its advantages to as good places to eat are few and far between up here and as it stands right now I drive almost an hr each way now on Sundays to get to the Buddhist center. I know it may seem lame to some but I really don't know if I can step out of my comfort zone and into city living again but in any case I am testing the waters and will be going to take a tour of This Home on Friday. I am a person who is of the belief system that sometimes you don't have to look for things as if they are meant to be they tend to find you..what is meant to be will be. I have peace in my mentality in that I truly feel everything in our lives happen for a reason and I have a good feeling about this place.I think I want this home.So we'll see what happens and where it goes if anywhere at all, the beauty and tragedy that is life is that sometimes things flip, they change and next thing you know life is never the same. I don't know if this will be my peaceful place to live out the next half of my life but I am keeping my eyes and heart open to it wherever it may lead me.
A Single Moment
Lake Arrowhead, CA July 2k11 {this moment} - A Friday ritual. A single photo - no words - capturing a moment from the week. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment I want to pause, savor and remember. Amanda Soule |
Saturday, July 23, 2011
The Museum Of Modern Art
New York 19 11 West 53rd Street
The Museum Collections Telephone: Circle 5-8900 Cables: Modernart, New.York
October 16, 1956
Dear Mr. Warhol,
Last week our Committee on the Museum Collections held its first meeting of the fall season and had a chance to study your drawing entitled Shoe which you so generously offered as a gift to the Museum.
I regret that I must report to you that the Committee decided, after careful consideration, that they ought not to accept it for our Collection
Let me explain that because of our severely limited gallery and storage space we must turn down many gifts offered, since we feel it is not fair to accept as a gift a work which may be shown only infrequently.
Nevertheless, the Committee has asked me to pass on to you their thanks for your generous expression of interest in our Collection.
Alfred H. Harr, Jr.
Director of the Museums Collections
Mr. Andy Warhol
242 Lexington Avenue
New York, New York
P.S.The drawing may be picked up from the Museum at your convenience.
The Museum Collections Telephone: Circle 5-8900 Cables: Modernart, New.York
October 16, 1956
Dear Mr. Warhol,
Last week our Committee on the Museum Collections held its first meeting of the fall season and had a chance to study your drawing entitled Shoe which you so generously offered as a gift to the Museum.
I regret that I must report to you that the Committee decided, after careful consideration, that they ought not to accept it for our Collection
Let me explain that because of our severely limited gallery and storage space we must turn down many gifts offered, since we feel it is not fair to accept as a gift a work which may be shown only infrequently.
Nevertheless, the Committee has asked me to pass on to you their thanks for your generous expression of interest in our Collection.
Alfred H. Harr, Jr.
Director of the Museums Collections
Mr. Andy Warhol
242 Lexington Avenue
New York, New York
P.S.The drawing may be picked up from the Museum at your convenience.
Friday, July 22, 2011
5 Things On Friday
I will cut to the chase because this has been a superb Friday that does not necessitate any buildup...
1. Turns out I got straight A's in all of my summer classes yet my Sociology professor gave me perhaps one of the biggest compliments ever when he said that for the first time he gave a student over the maximum points allowed because he was so impressed and moved by my interview and presentation and asked for my permission to use it for future classes and publications.. I am very happy this made my day!
2. I celebrated by going to get a dermal anchor, a tiny diamond high up on my cheekbone..and it hardly hurt at all.
3. My husband insisted on ordering food tonight as he was in a pizza mood...Oh darn..
4. Oh how in love with the weekend can one girl be...
5. You are only as old as you feel...age is just a number..
Live and Love Life...have a Fabulous Weekend..
1. Turns out I got straight A's in all of my summer classes yet my Sociology professor gave me perhaps one of the biggest compliments ever when he said that for the first time he gave a student over the maximum points allowed because he was so impressed and moved by my interview and presentation and asked for my permission to use it for future classes and publications.. I am very happy this made my day!
2. I celebrated by going to get a dermal anchor, a tiny diamond high up on my cheekbone..and it hardly hurt at all.
3. My husband insisted on ordering food tonight as he was in a pizza mood...Oh darn..
4. Oh how in love with the weekend can one girl be...
5. You are only as old as you feel...age is just a number..
Live and Love Life...have a Fabulous Weekend..
Thursday, July 21, 2011
July 21st 2k11
A Throwback To Last Summer, Late
Chip & Ruby's 2010 |
Daybook 7-21-2011
Outside My Window: Monsoon season is still rolling along with not much rain to speak of, just enough to get a muddy film on the car on a daily basis...There is new patio furniture making my back area look gorgeous however, will be a be a good place for a little R&R once the weather cools down.
I Am Thinking Of: How much I love Adam Sandler, powdered donuts, weekends, t-shirt dresses from American Apparel, cuddling, long talks with my son, looking into my husbands eyes,taking a bath, cooler weather, balancing....
I Am Thankful For: My health and the physical ability that I have that allows for me to train every day slowly getting more flexible and balanced and centered. If I knew then what I know now I would have started Yoga years ago, which is why I am getting my kids on board with it..
From The Kitchen: My son made me Alaskan Wild Salmon poached in a brown sugar glaze with a fresh peach and basil salsa..we are grilling steaks and eating light in these dog days of summer..
I Am Creating: Magic in the everyday
I Am Going: To attend my first meditation session this Sunday at The Clear Light Buddhist Center and my son will be going to their children's class, I am also doing three retreats next month..this I am very excited about.
I Am Reading: School has officially ended for summer as of last night so I will be doing some free learning in the next month which will be focusing mainly on the works of Carl Jung.
I Am Hearing: The A/C blasting
From The Teaching Rooms: Other than Carl Jung I plan to incorporate my religious studies into my month of free learning in preparation for the Fall session.
Around The House: It has been a busy week finishing up classes but now I will have more attention to give to the nooks and crannies that beckon it..I have replanted my Poinsettias from last Christmas and am making it my mission to learn and continue to grow very methodically the perfect Poinsettia.
One Of My Favorite Things: Being able to turn the world off and focus on watching a movie in its entirety or take a hot bath
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Finishing up the work week and being a homebody this weekend with some time for spirituality on Sunday. Catching up on sleep and couple time.
Here Are A Few Pictures From The Week To Share
I Am Thinking Of: How much I love Adam Sandler, powdered donuts, weekends, t-shirt dresses from American Apparel, cuddling, long talks with my son, looking into my husbands eyes,taking a bath, cooler weather, balancing....
I Am Thankful For: My health and the physical ability that I have that allows for me to train every day slowly getting more flexible and balanced and centered. If I knew then what I know now I would have started Yoga years ago, which is why I am getting my kids on board with it..
From The Kitchen: My son made me Alaskan Wild Salmon poached in a brown sugar glaze with a fresh peach and basil salsa..we are grilling steaks and eating light in these dog days of summer..
I Am Creating: Magic in the everyday
I Am Going: To attend my first meditation session this Sunday at The Clear Light Buddhist Center and my son will be going to their children's class, I am also doing three retreats next month..this I am very excited about.
I Am Reading: School has officially ended for summer as of last night so I will be doing some free learning in the next month which will be focusing mainly on the works of Carl Jung.
I Am Hearing: The A/C blasting
From The Teaching Rooms: Other than Carl Jung I plan to incorporate my religious studies into my month of free learning in preparation for the Fall session.
Around The House: It has been a busy week finishing up classes but now I will have more attention to give to the nooks and crannies that beckon it..I have replanted my Poinsettias from last Christmas and am making it my mission to learn and continue to grow very methodically the perfect Poinsettia.
One Of My Favorite Things: Being able to turn the world off and focus on watching a movie in its entirety or take a hot bath
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Finishing up the work week and being a homebody this weekend with some time for spirituality on Sunday. Catching up on sleep and couple time.
Here Are A Few Pictures From The Week To Share
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Peaceful |
Wisdom on Wednesday... Do I Have Any Left?
I am officially on summer break, I just finished up the last of my Sociology section on drugs and society and now have 31 days before I have to get back on the train. I celebrated with a cup of milk and 3 pecan sandies. Hoping for the best as this was a particularly hard section due to my lack of zeal for public speaking. It was a a day full of humidity and heat ..and Thai food..and Starbucks..and kids going for Cheetos knowing I was chained to the computer taking finals... Many of my "friends" on Facebook seem to be pretty excited about the fact that Florida will now be drug testing applicants for welfare and that it will be used as a condition for their approval of benefits. Yes on the surface when you think about a program such as this it sounds like a good idea, after all they drug test many people who are employed in corporate jobs don't they? I think that the after effects of a bill like this are going to have many detrimental consequences on families for 2 very important reasons.Many of the men and women who are seeking family assistance are not occasional users but rather they are addicts, and if you believe in the medical model like I do then you will look at these people as being sick and in need of treatment. There has been no definitive research showing that these addicts are selling their food stamps for drug money, the fact is most addicts who are either low income or who are within poverty level don't buy their drugs in the first place. They steal them, work within the drug trade for them or are given them..this we know with a fair amount of certainty. Nowhere is it recognized that these people need not only assistance but they need help. Recovery and treatment should be a condition of receiving benefits, a tandem program, if someone were to test positive they should be enrolled in a mandatory treatment program plain and simple to continue to be on welfare. This benefits these families as a whole and it also benefits society. By denying them benefits we not only hurt the innocent children by taking food out of their mouths but we also deny the addict assistance and these people will be even more likely to turn to crime, drug dealing and prostitution..the other American economy ..just to survive.What states spend on drug treatment programs is far less than what they save, and this is true all across the board.If programs like this were to be decentralized, they can potentially do untold harm on Society. Secondly those who are not addicts can be considered to be occasional users. You may find it surprising to learn that 75% of people that use heroin for instance are not physically addicted to it.Are we going to take food out of the mouths of their children too? I agree their should be stipulations on welfare, fact is I can go on all night about this but what are we achieving by doing this other than to stroke the conservative ego after all alcohol is more deadly than marijuana and cocaine for that matter and is responsible for drunk driving accidents that kill people in the thousands every year and rips lives a part on a much larger scale and by and large more people in America today are alcoholics than they are drug addicts but that's okay..and why should we allow benefits to them and not the marijuana user when the simple fact is marijuana should be legal and the only reason that it isn't is that the government stands to loose a considerable amount of money if it ever were to be decriminalized and the majority of people in America aren't educated or know enough about it in the first place to have valid ideals about it? So what do I say to the people that support this bill? Nice try, go back to the drawing board and come again. That's it for tonight..I am going to turn on The World According To Paris and turn my light switch off for a while...
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
20 Things On Tuesday
I read all the time, in fact I read more than I write, and I write a lot. I thought it would be appropriate that I pay recognition to some of the fantastic writers out there who are capturing my attention this week. Inspiring me, enlightening me, and sparking new ideas, thought patterns and feelings.. I hope that you may find something within this post that gets your attention too..
1. Patience
2. Happiness Is Bliss
3. 75 Reminders For Tough Times
4. 7 Steps To Becoming An Art Collector
5. Groceries Expense or Investment?
6. Bits Of Sunshine
7. The Farm Chicks
8. Food For Our Spirituality
9.The Red Dress Club Writers Workshop
10.20 Minutes A Day Naked
11.Whiskey & Porn
12.Sweet Summer Nights
13.Strawberry Jam
14.Views On Buddhism
15.Grandmas Guide To Life
16.Whats For Dinner
17.Buddhist Bugs
18.Summer Pudding
19.Happy Together
20.Stringing Pompoms
Happy Reading!!
1. Patience
2. Happiness Is Bliss
3. 75 Reminders For Tough Times
4. 7 Steps To Becoming An Art Collector
5. Groceries Expense or Investment?
6. Bits Of Sunshine
7. The Farm Chicks
8. Food For Our Spirituality
9.The Red Dress Club Writers Workshop
10.20 Minutes A Day Naked
11.Whiskey & Porn
12.Sweet Summer Nights
13.Strawberry Jam
14.Views On Buddhism
15.Grandmas Guide To Life
16.Whats For Dinner
17.Buddhist Bugs
18.Summer Pudding
19.Happy Together
20.Stringing Pompoms
Happy Reading!!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Me On Monday
Mondays are a drag, lets face it and get that out of the way now. I am a day late in writing about the "doomsday" as I like to call it if that tells you anything. Could things possibly be any busier? Probably not. Is there much time aside from work, the kids, and school for much of anything? Not really. But funny thing is I couldn't be happier to embrace a Monday or any day for that matter for as busy as life gets and as hectic as things may seem sometime I am staying the course,better off than 75% of the people in the world who are fighting poverty, disease and social crisis. We have our health and by all means our sanity too. No matter how crazy life can be sometimes someone out there always has it worse. It is good to be busy, good to be productive and proactive in your life. I would rather be making a difference in the lives of others every day than sitting stagnant.This is what life is all about..
5 Random Things Which Describe My Day
1. The bathroom the boys share can be transformed into a land of wet towels, toothpaste mishaps and a hamper in a matter of minutes and don't even get me started on the toilet. How is it that they can succeed in missing the water as often as they do is beyond me is it laziness or misjudgement or are they just plain distracted, I will never get it. One 10 year old will soon be in the doghouse when he gets home and I am thinking putting a key lock on my bathroom is something I should have done long ago!
2. It is a good day when I can have almost everyone cooked for, fed, and most of the dishes cleaned up before 7pm..anything beyond this its madness.
3. My 20 year high school reunion is coming up and when it comes down to it I really don't see any reason to go.. Is this abnormal?
4. Instead of staying up till the we hours of the morning half assing a huge presentation because I am too sleepy to work through it to the best of my ability I recognized and knew when to turn the lights off and as a result another good nights sleep and a presentation that is 90% done.
5. No one despite my begging and pleading to eat their greens will touch the spinach on their plate, why I still continue to throw this next to say Chicken Fried Steak like I did tonight is beyond me...
Looking forward to a fun but chaotic week...
While doing this pose today termed "The Screaming Pigeon" my husband was watching and feeling a little over zealous I held in place for almost ten minutes something which I have never done for this long. Now my left hip is out of wack. Lesson learned if husband is watching yoga moves try and only do ones that come easy but only look impressive.. |
Sunday, July 17, 2011
Slow Hot Weekends
It's too hot to ride bikes, it was in the plan but the reality is that humidity is rearing its ugly head once again in tandem with this 110 degree weather and most of our weekend was spent inside. If only it would rain..I cleaned our palace and had some good yoga time this weekend, having done an hour of restorative today it was like getting a full body massage. They say that doing one hour of restorative yoga is the equivalent to 8 hrs of good sleep. Last night I slept so good, better than I have in a week. Jake and I set out to pick out some gifts with his birthday money and get slurpees. He decided on Starwars motor bikes and action figures..another Anakin and a whole slew of battle droids & clone troopers. I haven't had to cook in a whole three days, amazing. At least not anything substantial.We did pizzas last night from the local deli and tonight the boys brought home Chicago style hot dogs and fresh cut fries. While this has lightened my load considerably this weekend I always feel yucko if I eat out too much. That's it for take out for a while! My parents brought over and helped us put together my new outdoor patio set. It really makes the back patio into a beautiful and comfortable space. All I have left to do is add some string lights and potted cacti...I would love to do ficus trees if it wasn't for the javelina that eat anything and everything they can get too. School starts in just a few short weeks and I started getting together the lost list of supplies..1 new backpack 2 more too go, still need to head out for school clothes for the little man and get every ones hair cut. I am looking forward to being home more this week..Like many moms who work full time I felt like I was always missing out on things when I couldn't be the one to go on field trips or attend lunches in the middle of the day.My oldest so will be getting his learners permit this week, I just can't fathom this still. I can't help but look at him and think of him at 5 yrs old, the little man who went with me everywhere and did everything with me, my shadow. This will be a good week. It will be busy finishing up my last sociology session for the summer but by next weekend it will be done and over and this busy mommy will be on break for a whole 40 days from school. Looking forward to going to The Clear Light Buddhist Center next Sunday, the start of my meditation classes and my middle son will be attending their children's meditation program. I also have a few retreats here coming up that I am excited to attend, I have been slowly bringing more spirituality into my life and I think this will enable me to continue to do so. This is what speaks to me in this chapter in my life so I am going with it..I am also entertaining the idea of Unplugged Sundays, more on this to come.. Hope you all have had a blessed weekend..
Hard To Pick Just One |
Friday, July 15, 2011
My Mid Life Crisis Shoes
I like to call them my “Mid Life Crisis” shoes. We all have a pair of completely irresponsible shoes in our closets. These are a back ache waiting to happen. After perusing fashion magazines I started to take a liking to what my husband calls “Gladiator Sandals”. He hates these shoes. I chose this patent leather pair last New Years Eve as I was looking for something to go with a black dress and thought these screamed sexy, like I am 20 and I never take off these shoes and when I do I unzip them sexy. Yes you read that right they zip up, how risqué I thought. I didn’t hesitate to bring them home and debut them on the first New Years I headed out of the house in like ten years. These would go perfect with a whip of some sort, oh the possibilities. They held up on the dance floor for the first hour then into the second and third. By that time they were sort of digging into my toes but when a stranger came up to say “love the shoes” I quit caring. When I tumbled down three steps leaving the festivities I brushed it off and regained my composure. Me and those shoes, we had quite a night. The next morning I started to make my way down the stairs when I my legs said otherwise. If you have even had shin splints this is as close as I can come to describing the pain in the front of my legs. My toes were a whole other story. The patent leather had cut into the front of every single one of them, and when I was bandaging them up I noticed my toenail was hanging there half way off. I finally made a game time decision to remove it completely, it wasn’t pretty. Apparently that tumble did a little more damage than I had thought. I set those dirty shoes on the top shelf of my closet and it was a good couple of months till I would pay them a visit. This time I decided to throw them on for work. They didn’t look as racy when paired with slacks and like a lover scorned I had gotten over and forgotten about all the pain and hurt they caused. While sitting at my desk I happened to notice that the little rubber pads at the end of the heels had worn themselves off and all that was left were little metal spikes where the leather was scraped off. From just one wear. The stitching was starting to fray between the slats. Later on that evening I stopped by the grocery store and you could hear me coming from 5 isles away, click clack click clack and for some odd reason my feet were sliding around in them as my toes took a beating. I can’t bear the thought of giving these off to the Goodwill for some poor unsuspecting soul to pick up and repair. What a cruel joke that would be, so there they are back on their resident shelf peeking out at me. From time to time I consider throwing them on and yet I don’t. They rest quietly beside the blue moccasins I begged my husband to buy for me on Mothers Day three years ago and wore once. To the left are the Keds I purchased this spring when retro Keds became cool again and I thought maybe I’d wear them, a throwback style to my middle school days , I put them on once and thought.. yuck. Under them are 2 pairs of Converse, one with sequins that slip on that I wore downstairs and back up to the bedroom, and a pair of K Swiss’ with the laces removed, because that’s how the guys in Run DMC used to wear them..And yet I can’t bring myself to toss them out as if I am afraid to crossover to that person that wears only comfortable shoes. But just like the hoop earrings in the shape of hearts, the hats that never got worn or the numerous pashminas that lurk in the corners these are memories of little snippets of my life buried behind closed doors waiting to be rediscovered someday by a granddaughter who wants to play dress up or a son who thinks it’s funny to walk around in his mothers shoes much to her dismay or the woman who too often forgets that comfort and practicality don’t apply when it comes to looking good and feeling young and takes them out for once last dance.
5 Things On Friday
The night is young, or so it seems. Love is life and life is love. I am in that euphoric trance that happens after a vigorous yoga session, energy in balance muscles squeezed out. However cliche it may be to say thankful that it is Friday which for me means having the bed all to myself with my Sociology homework and the BYU channel. It has been a good week and as it draws to a close I am reminded of the truth in you get what you give, what you put out into the universe you shall receive. I saw my Dad had posted this quote today, it is a good reflection to end the week:
When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it--always.
Mahatma Gandhi
The 5 Random Things Which Describe My Day
1. Whenever the super happy lady behind the counter at Starbucks offers to give you a free cake pop because everyone is getting a treat but you and gets real pushy about it so you take it and eat it out of obligation BEWARE the reason she is offing these cake pops for free is that she knows that in a couple of hours they will all be hitting the trash can because they are on their last legs.Just trust me on this one.
2. My husband and middle son not only picked up a big dinner which meant no cooking for me for 2 whole nights this week but they brought me home a balloon which said you're the best along with a stuffed pug and a card that read Thank You for cooking and cleaning all day every day for us we love you with all of our heart.. then my little man picked me a flower..God I am so lucky to have them in my life.
3. My Psychology teacher gave me the A even though I was only a few points away. This was by far the most difficult class I have ever taken and I am elated beyond words.
4. Anyone who bakes cookies and gives them away to people they barely know probably has ulterior motives.
5.What does it mean when somebody says they want a bite of your cookie?Just wondering?
When I despair, I remember that all through history the ways of truth and love have always won. There have been tyrants, and murderers, and for a time they can seem invincible, but in the end they always fall. Think of it--always.
Mahatma Gandhi
The 5 Random Things Which Describe My Day
1. Whenever the super happy lady behind the counter at Starbucks offers to give you a free cake pop because everyone is getting a treat but you and gets real pushy about it so you take it and eat it out of obligation BEWARE the reason she is offing these cake pops for free is that she knows that in a couple of hours they will all be hitting the trash can because they are on their last legs.Just trust me on this one.
2. My husband and middle son not only picked up a big dinner which meant no cooking for me for 2 whole nights this week but they brought me home a balloon which said you're the best along with a stuffed pug and a card that read Thank You for cooking and cleaning all day every day for us we love you with all of our heart.. then my little man picked me a flower..God I am so lucky to have them in my life.
3. My Psychology teacher gave me the A even though I was only a few points away. This was by far the most difficult class I have ever taken and I am elated beyond words.
4. Anyone who bakes cookies and gives them away to people they barely know probably has ulterior motives.
5.What does it mean when somebody says they want a bite of your cookie?Just wondering?
For Me |
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Daybook 7-14-2011
Outside My Window: There is a thin layer of dust still covering everything from last weeks storms, the sky is clear and blue, I am hoping we still have more of a monsoon season ahead, love that rain!
I Am Thinking: Of ways I can continue to keep my body healthy and reduce toxins..of whether or not I should stay at home and finish my PhD's and be home more for my family or try to continue to work full time and do both, I wish the big decisions came easy for me but unfortunately they do not.
I Am Thankful For: The low key drama free life that I lead, hearing other peoples stories sometimes (mainly my coworkers) makes me even more thankful for living a simple and gentle life.
From The Kitchen: This week we are doing some cheese steak sandwiches among other things and a Milky Way cake that contains no less than 10 Milky Way bars in the recipe..yikes!
I Am Creating: Nothing in particular hands on..I have been too busy with homework! I am creating a life of service and purpose however..
I Am Going: To try and make something special for my Parakeet this weekend so she has something new to play with and new treats to try..I often times think she must be pretty bored in that cage all day..
I Am Reading: Nothing but schoolbooks this week, aside from the Wall Street Journal every morning, I am also nursing Nora Ephron's I Feel Bad About My Neck..
I Am Hoping:Everything goes well on my PowerPoint presentation and interviews I will be submitting for my last leg of the Summer Sociology session next week. They are worth almost 1/2 my grade... (my heart rate is rising just by typing that)
I Am Hearing: Pandora Reggae Mixes
From The Teaching Rooms: This week has been all about studying various propositions for eliminating the drug problem in America, which in my opinion is impossible its all about common sense and reduction. I am reviewing the Regan Era and "The War on Drugs".. evaluating prohibition and its effects on the US population , comparing various means of legalization and hypothesizing what the effects on Society and Government would be.Paying close attention to drug treatment programs in Switzerland and Great Britain and evaluating statistics.
Around The House: It has been a quiet week and I am enjoying spending time with my little man and lots of cuddle time.
One Of My Favorite Things: Doing yoga with my 5 year old and seeing him do his downward dogs and A & B sequences.. Loving the fact that he wants to do them right along with me.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Two more days of work then it's off to the weekend..I am thinking movies, good food, and time for fun.
Here Are A Few Pictures From The Week To Share
I Am Thinking: Of ways I can continue to keep my body healthy and reduce toxins..of whether or not I should stay at home and finish my PhD's and be home more for my family or try to continue to work full time and do both, I wish the big decisions came easy for me but unfortunately they do not.
I Am Thankful For: The low key drama free life that I lead, hearing other peoples stories sometimes (mainly my coworkers) makes me even more thankful for living a simple and gentle life.
From The Kitchen: This week we are doing some cheese steak sandwiches among other things and a Milky Way cake that contains no less than 10 Milky Way bars in the recipe..yikes!
I Am Creating: Nothing in particular hands on..I have been too busy with homework! I am creating a life of service and purpose however..
I Am Going: To try and make something special for my Parakeet this weekend so she has something new to play with and new treats to try..I often times think she must be pretty bored in that cage all day..
I Am Reading: Nothing but schoolbooks this week, aside from the Wall Street Journal every morning, I am also nursing Nora Ephron's I Feel Bad About My Neck..
I Am Hoping:Everything goes well on my PowerPoint presentation and interviews I will be submitting for my last leg of the Summer Sociology session next week. They are worth almost 1/2 my grade... (my heart rate is rising just by typing that)
I Am Hearing: Pandora Reggae Mixes
From The Teaching Rooms: This week has been all about studying various propositions for eliminating the drug problem in America, which in my opinion is impossible its all about common sense and reduction. I am reviewing the Regan Era and "The War on Drugs".. evaluating prohibition and its effects on the US population , comparing various means of legalization and hypothesizing what the effects on Society and Government would be.Paying close attention to drug treatment programs in Switzerland and Great Britain and evaluating statistics.
Around The House: It has been a quiet week and I am enjoying spending time with my little man and lots of cuddle time.
One Of My Favorite Things: Doing yoga with my 5 year old and seeing him do his downward dogs and A & B sequences.. Loving the fact that he wants to do them right along with me.
A Few Plans For The Rest Of The Week: Two more days of work then it's off to the weekend..I am thinking movies, good food, and time for fun.
Here Are A Few Pictures From The Week To Share
Gotta love a kid who asks for spiky hair!! |
Not the best lighting but Jakes "Downward Dogs" are still cute nonetheless! |
My beautiful family at our reunion last week in Nebraska City, NE![]() |
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Wednesdays Words of Wisdom
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"Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." |
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"When it comes down to it, I let them think what they want. If they care enough to bother with what I do, then I'm already better than them." |
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
20 Things On Tuesday
This Weeks Topic My Favorite Tweets of the Day!
Lets Get Going Shall We...
1. Making a thousand friends is not a miracle. A miracle is making one friend who will stand by your side when thousands are against you.
2. Stalker's suck
3.Remember that a simple Thank You goes a long way, Embrace Gratitude!
4.To keep the body in good health is a duty – otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. Buddha
5.Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung
6. Marriage is like a tense, unfunny version of Everybody Loves Raymond
7.Happy are they whose God is the Lord -Psalm 144:15 is the breath of art. -frank lloyd wright
9.God = (G)ood (O)rderly (D)irection. Stay on course
10.Follow your heart, but don’t forget to take your brain with you.
11.2 ways 2 live life.. Like nothings a miracle and like everythings a miracle
12.You have enemies? Good! That means you've stood up for something!
13.Believe there are no limits but the sky. Cervantes
14.The only real nation is humanity.- Paul Farmer
15.Daily #OneGoodThingToday for a Monday at work: Say 'Good Morning' to someone.
16.Rise & Grind
17.Fellas:: u'll never FULLY understand ur lady.. That's ok though! ur real duty is to jus care for & love them
18.Beauty gets the attention but personality gets the heart.
19.There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.- Edith Wharton
20.Nonviolence is a weapon of the strong.- Mohandas K. Gandhi
Hope you have enjoyed Twitter Life Coaching for today! Until Next Time...
Lets Get Going Shall We...
1. Making a thousand friends is not a miracle. A miracle is making one friend who will stand by your side when thousands are against you.
2. Stalker's suck
3.Remember that a simple Thank You goes a long way, Embrace Gratitude!
4.To keep the body in good health is a duty – otherwise we shall not be able to keep our mind strong and clear. Buddha
5.Who looks outside, dreams. Who looks inside, awakens. Carl Jung
6. Marriage is like a tense, unfunny version of Everybody Loves Raymond
7.Happy are they whose God is the Lord -Psalm 144:15 is the breath of art. -frank lloyd wright
9.God = (G)ood (O)rderly (D)irection. Stay on course
10.Follow your heart, but don’t forget to take your brain with you.
11.2 ways 2 live life.. Like nothings a miracle and like everythings a miracle
12.You have enemies? Good! That means you've stood up for something!
13.Believe there are no limits but the sky. Cervantes
14.The only real nation is humanity.- Paul Farmer
15.Daily #OneGoodThingToday for a Monday at work: Say 'Good Morning' to someone.
16.Rise & Grind
17.Fellas:: u'll never FULLY understand ur lady.. That's ok though! ur real duty is to jus care for & love them
18.Beauty gets the attention but personality gets the heart.
19.There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.- Edith Wharton
20.Nonviolence is a weapon of the strong.- Mohandas K. Gandhi
Hope you have enjoyed Twitter Life Coaching for today! Until Next Time...

Ah my most embarrassing moment, it is hard to pick just one. When I look back to some of the most humiliating times in my life, aside from the epic slip in the mall circa 1985 which almost sent my girlfriend into convulsions from laughing so hard, I find that my most embarrassing times have something to do with my panties. I have never been a jeans and sneakers kind of gal and have lived most of my life in sundresses and skirts which may account for the fact that out of three boys each one has had a fascination at one time or the other with lifting up my dress and watching me shriek in horror. My oldest son in particular around the age of 5 went through this stage. It happened first at a family gathering in a room full of people then at a Macys. I learned to pick up on his cues, he would usually circle around me once or twice with a coy look on his face, that’s how I knew it was coming. He would reach for the hem with faster than lightening speed and before I knew it I was standing there red faced in a panic afraid to look down for fear of what I was wearing down below.. (please god let this not be a spanx day). I learned pretty quick how to block these random attacks with the precision and skill of a taekwondo expert and eventually he cooled it, that is until the day I realized he was just sitting, waiting for the perfect opportunity to strike. His brother was just born three days prior. Like many moms straight out of the hospital I was operating in a state of virtual unconsciousness, a creature of the night at the mercy of a newborn who wanted to eat every three hours. My attire consisted of nursing bras and whatever nightgowns I could throw over my head which would likely be ruined less than 24 hrs later. I was enjoying a relaxing moment, sleeping newborn in my arms watching the Young & The Restless (those were the days) when the door bell rings. I adjust the baby in my arms and shuffle off to answer to the UPS man standing there with a package he needs to have signed for. Then HE appears running excitedly for the door, a grin from ear to ear hiding his little devil horns behind a weft of golden hair. As I am pulling the balancing act of holding an infant and trying to sign my name with two fingers that’s when it happens. He looks at me I look at him our eyes meet for a second and then it is all in slow motion from there. He lifts up my nightgown and not a little lift either, more like a yank. One last hurrah for the kid who finally wants to make it known, he got the last word ..he got me. My response time was delayed I don’t notice the nightgown up until I look up at the red faced delivery driver, then I hear wild laughter, that’s when I look down. I have no free hands I wiggle back and forth try to kick him out of the way as he’s still holding my dress up. I spin around finally free from his grasp I mumble an apology to the UPS guy and begin to consider torture as an acceptable means of punishment for a 5 year old. This must have been the jewel in his crown, catching me off guard fresh from having a baby, muscles lax, granny panties because that’s all that would fit. Needless to say I was mortified and he took off running for his life. The poor old UPS driver, I think he may have been even more embarrassed than I. Thank god my oldest who was the worst offender grew out of this stage, I am sure he was just vying for my attention or thought it funny to see my reaction. At least I was able to see it coming, much unlike my youngest son who is 5 who apparently likes to get behind me and lift up my dress from behind and cover his face, on a busy playground while I unsuspectingly talk to his teacher for god knows how long before I notice I am mooning the other children and their parents.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Me On Monday
Sunday came and went and I really need to get over this obsession I have had the last few months with making out menus every week and diligently cooking everything regardless if everyone is hungry or not..I felt like I was chained to the stove all day, not that it was a bad thing after all the blackberry french toast I made for brunch was divine however I got burnt out mid afternoon and burnt the cheese on the nachos and no one appreciated my jalapeno cilantro cole slaw on the pulled pork sandwiches..Today was my first day back after my little vacation and I actually got a little anxiety on the way to work this morning coupled with feelings of a complete and utter dragass syndrome come 2pm as this was my token nap hour over the last week. I made it through however and with that 10 random things which describe my Monday...
1. I have spent the evening studying the heroin epidemic (or lack thereof clearly it depends on who you ask).. as I finish up my last Sociology class for the Summer..apparently I still don't understand fully the effects of its chronic use on the kidneys..
2. My boss (if you can call him that) did not find my office very user friendly in my absence last week...I run my office much like my kitchen in that I am typically the only one who knows where everything is and I think I am too set in my ways to change this late in the game.
3. The thought of my oldest son getting his learners permit this week has me increasingly worried. If he says one more time that he plans on getting a motorcycle license in the future I think I might just have a heart attack.
4. We ordered pizza tonight at my husbands request
5. The same husband I kicked out of the room when I was taking an exam and he plopped down next to me turned off my singers & songwriters on satellite radio and cranked up survivor man..I was like really? He didn't take it to heart.
6. I am still torn up about having my hair whacked off in March..I wish there was a magic hair growth pill or potion to speed up the process..
7. My little man had his first day back at summer camp today which means he was in bed by 8:30..and then I missed him
8. I have some really great neighbors who are opening my mind to the whole concept of sense of community
9. I declined an invitation to attend my ex husbands wedding
10. I can't seem to fall asleep very good lately.. I hope tonight is different as I have a sneaking suspicion there might be a pending sickness entering the house and with every cough coming from the boys room I am wide eyed..
1. I have spent the evening studying the heroin epidemic (or lack thereof clearly it depends on who you ask).. as I finish up my last Sociology class for the Summer..apparently I still don't understand fully the effects of its chronic use on the kidneys..
2. My boss (if you can call him that) did not find my office very user friendly in my absence last week...I run my office much like my kitchen in that I am typically the only one who knows where everything is and I think I am too set in my ways to change this late in the game.
3. The thought of my oldest son getting his learners permit this week has me increasingly worried. If he says one more time that he plans on getting a motorcycle license in the future I think I might just have a heart attack.
4. We ordered pizza tonight at my husbands request
5. The same husband I kicked out of the room when I was taking an exam and he plopped down next to me turned off my singers & songwriters on satellite radio and cranked up survivor man..I was like really? He didn't take it to heart.
6. I am still torn up about having my hair whacked off in March..I wish there was a magic hair growth pill or potion to speed up the process..
7. My little man had his first day back at summer camp today which means he was in bed by 8:30..and then I missed him
8. I have some really great neighbors who are opening my mind to the whole concept of sense of community
9. I declined an invitation to attend my ex husbands wedding
10. I can't seem to fall asleep very good lately.. I hope tonight is different as I have a sneaking suspicion there might be a pending sickness entering the house and with every cough coming from the boys room I am wide eyed..
Saturday, July 9, 2011
Saturday Night Fever
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So excited to see each other! |
Friday, July 8, 2011
5 Things On Friday
Class Ended Thurs.. and I was 4 pts Away From an A |
This Weeks Guilty Pleasure |
Weekly Hairdo |
The wacky Wailana Yoga I do in the afternoons |
My new favorite TV show |
Betty Ford Dies At Age 93
"She started dialogues that changed America". |
She was addicted to pain killers and alcohol and after her families intervention on April Fools Day 1978 she admitted herself to rehab at the Naval Hospital.
She reinvented herself and brought the drug and alcohol rehabilitation she received to the people of California.
She realized alcohol was a bigger problem for many women because "expectations of virtue are higher for women." She shared her story and those of other brave and courageous women through a series of books.
She pioneered the idea that women can be treated for alcoholism as well as men.
She was a role model for women and should and will be an inspiration for us all.
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Because This Album Cover Just Makes Me Smile...
My Fav Band Circa 1983 |
I have been enjoying my down time..the first whole week off I have had in almost 5 years..somewhere in the midst of it I can't help but think..Hmmm I could get used to this. I have never had the privilege of being a stay at home mom, at least not for any significant period of time..with all three children I went back to work rather quickly and now with my youngest entering kindergarten in the Fall coupled with a full schedule of college classes yet again I am reevaluating my balance between work and home. Quitting my job and staying home is proving to be a hard decision to make and one that I have been pondering for well over a month now. What I do know is that I have enjoyed the time I have spent at home with my boys this week so much..I start the days with doing an hr of Yoga..make the today show & Regis & 2 to 3 hrs of schoolwork..make another half hr of Yoga..have learning time with my boys which lately has involved watching documentaries as it is so blazing hot and humid outside ..nap time..maybe a cooking show or time to run errands then its time to make dinner and settle into the evening whether it involves movies, another yoga session or more schoolwork the schedule isn't rushed, it flows...Today we got out of the house and visited the Scottsdale Museum of Contemporary Art or SMOCA as it is known. We set about to see "The Masters of Collective Reality" exhibit featuring some of the major comic book artists from around the world. Among the exhibit were stencils and sharp colored pencils and artists renderings where the kids could draw their own comic book strip. This proved to be the funnest part of the afternoon and I am continuously impressed by the artistic talent of my 10 yr old. One of the reasons we go to art museums is that I hope he sees other works of art and expands his knowledge which I hope will help motivate him to continue creating and drawing...SMOCA is a fairly small museum and in the summer time they tend to use less than the available space however it really is a neat museum in that they do things like family night and programs keyed for kids and adults that are based on creating and learning. Thursdays are always free and the museum is open from 10 to 8 and provides a cool space on a hot summer day. We stopped by the kitchy museum shop where we scored a cool projector key chain and for me an Andy Warhol matted print at 60% off. I am looking forward to the fall exhibits and getting the boys more involved with the upcoming education programs. Also on the menu for the month the ASU exhibit of Warhol's inspiring photographs and the Phoenix Art Museum... Needless to say I am enjoying being home...I want to be able to pick my boys up from school instead of having them go to an aftercare program..I want to be there to go on field trips..make breakfast in the mornings..devote the necessary time involved in graduating with my PhD instead of winging it..not be a tired zombie in the be more involved with my church and living a life of service..there are a lot of you can tell it seems like I may be talking myself into this..I wanted to share a link to a documentary I watched the other day called The Human Experience, I was touched and very moved by the wisdom in this film, at times almost to the point of tears. If you haven't seen it please do, it really makes you open your eyes to the rest of the world.One more day of my weekday vacation left tomorrow..among the artists whose work I saw today was Rory Hayes..I found him to be in your times repulsive yet utterly brilliant at the same time ..It is true in a lot of ways that instead of fighting the crowds, spending a small fortune and doing a chaotic adventure some of the best vacations are the ones taken at home..
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Rory Hayes |
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