Sunday, November 8, 2009

What a Groovy Halloween!!!

Games at Scottsdale's Fall Fest


Me & Carried (The Future Mrs. Brady Quinn)

Theres Mr. Fantastic

Gutting Pumpkins

Festival at Night

Mikes Dogs ...yes he dresses them up

Black Spiderman & Nicky the Stormtrooper

Friday Night Frights
After the fair meant Halloween was right around the corner, and sandwiched in between was my 36th birthday..(more on than later:) This Halloween I was all about getting into the spookiness of it all ...We cooked and baked some great stuff...Halloween Cake, Cut out butter cookies which went so fast I had no time to frost them! A great homemade chicken parmisan, pear crumble, rosemary butter rolls and of course lots of I have said before, everything I am cooking lately can be found here. There was Mikes Halloween party sans kids. We had a way fun , even though Charlie was reluctant about dressing up, he had an awesome time too and my sluty storybook character costume, found last minute  might I add, was a big hit. We danced and ate great food and it was a good time to dress up and party adult style on Halloween! We took the kids to friday Night Frights at Ft. McDowell for hotdogs and a hayride under the stars on a cool desert night and listened to some country tunes. Halloween night we went to the Fall Festival in Scottsdale and went Trick or Treating in the neighborhood by my shop. It reminded me of when I was a little girl, all the houses were open for trick or treating and there were so many kids it was awesome!! My black spiderman & stormtrooper had an awesome time and we ended the night with a pizza and some Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. And of course in my usual fashion I made tons of pumpkin seeds, which noone ate might I add;) & then I watched Psycho, by myself. Hope everyone had a fun and spooky night!!

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