Thursday, July 2, 2009

Happy Birthday Jake!

One of my first memories of you was how much of a little man you were even as a tiny baby. You were born as handsome as could be. I remember the first night I brought you home from the hospital laying in bed and listening to all of your little noises as you lay next to me in your bassinet. How you slept like a big boy with me in my huge bed or on my chest when you were just a tiny little thing, how you came into my already blessed life and with it brought so much happiness and joy to me and your brothers. Oh how you looked at your brothers and stared at their silly faces and endured the many times they carried you around like a rag doll much to my dismay! Even when you and Nicholas can get fed up with one another when you are each away from one another all you do is wonder where the other one is...Here you are marvelous at three years old! You and I have been through a lot this past year and it has brought us so close as a family. You have my long legs and the light hair I once had and are getting more handsome by the day. You have a great arm, throw a mean baseball and basketball and kick a soccerball like no other three year old I have seen, and I am not the only one who thinks that!! I love reading books to you, helping you put together your trains, stopping on the way home from preschool for a drink at the fountain (every day) even though it takes ten minutes. Your love of salsa and chips, how you just found your way up onto my many kitchen countertops, which I am sure to you must look massive and took quite a bit of bravery to get on top of the kitchen trash can and push yourself up there. I love the way you eat a cupcake, how excited you were for "presents" and how you wore your birthday hat around for a week prior and didn't want it on for your actual birthday! Instead you wanted a Mickey Mouse Hat which was impossible to find here where we are my little man but is a good excuse to get us back to Disneyland sooner than I had planned! I hear a lot of "I'll do it" and "Leave me alone" as you follow me around the house. In the times where I am in another room I am always wondering what it is you are doing! Especially if it is quiet!! How you danced in your seat when I brought you to the Circus for your special day. How you sneak into my bed at night and I seem to sleep so much better knowing you are close by. Goodnight Sweet Prince ....lets go lay down and read Tom & Jerry again and you can ask as many questions as you like's okay ....I love you like nothing else. Happy birthday Jakey Bird.
aka Hoho The Monkey King :)

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