Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My Status Report May

Making : Enlargements of Huge Black & Whites to line 2 stories of empty wall space including Salton Sea Photo's and Ocean Pics

Cooking :Quesadillas, Italian Food of course, Steaks and the best brunches ever

Drinking : Lots of Green Tea

Reading: Poems

Wanting: Lots of down time sounds perfect

Looking: To replace my furniture and do eveything in white...and get to California sometime soon because I can't stay away!

Playing: Star Wars & video games with the boys

Wasting: Money on my Starbucks addiction:)

Sewing: Nothing belt still broken on my machine:(

Wishing: That I can get my telescope cleaned and put back together by the weekend

Enjoying: restful sleep and hugs and kisses from my boys

Waiting: For a three day weekend!

Liking: Meeting new people who are interesting

Wondering: When I can go shopping at H&M again sans kiddos

Loving: My 3 boys & family

Hoping: To be swept off my feet:)

Marvelling: That I am 36 yrs old I really really don't feel like I am hmmmm

Needing: more down time in Palm Springs

Smelling: home cooked meals

Wearing: Spring dress and cardigan for H&M where else

Following: Blogs of course

Noticing: How beautiful the sky looks from my observation deck and thinking God I have to fix that telescope!

Knowing: The problems will always be there, it is how you react and deal with them that matters.

Thinking: Of someone special

Bookmarking: Poems

Opening: Old magazines for a re-read

Giggling: Over dirty jokes

Feeling: Sleepy like lazy Summer days

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

The End of May 2010

Has found me & it has been a little while since my last posting but I have been living life and documenting less of it. I have been hugging my children, making meals, going to work,watching TV, drinking coffee, listening to music and doing some things I probably shouldn't be. I would rather be completely ridiculous than boring!I am obsessed with the Salton Sea and it really has been eating up my blogging time and I have started a documentery I now must finish:) But I need to make time for putting into words these days of my life. While uncanny and abnormal what a joy each and every day to raise these boys and make them happy:) I have so much to write about Palm Springs The Sea San Diego and other pieces of inspiration I am working on but tonight I am in a somber mood due to the passing of Ben Ricketts, a little guy but 22 months old that passed away accidentaly. After lots of prayers this little man brought so many people closer to Christ. May he be in gods hands. I have a heavy heart tonight so I'm not going to write much more other than I will be holding my boys a little tighter and giving them a special treat in honor of this man. May god bless his soul.

I cannot live with you,

by Emily Dickinson

I cannot live with you,

It would be life,

And life is over there

Behind the shelf

The sexton keeps the key to,

Putting up

Our life, his porcelain,

Like a cup

Discarded of the housewife,

Quaint or broken;

A newer Sevres pleases,

Old ones crack.

I could not die with you,

For one must wait

To shut the other's gaze down,--

You could not.

And I, could I stand by

And see you freeze,

Without my right of frost,

Death's privilege?

Nor could I rise with you,

Because your face

Would put out Jesus'.

That new grace

Glow plain and foreign

On my homesick eye,

Except that you, than he

Shone closer by.

They'd judge us--how?

For you served Heaven, you know

Or sought to;

I could not,

Because you saturated sight,

And I had no more eyes

For sordid excellence

As Paradise.

And were you lost, I would be,

Though my name

Rang loudest

On the heavenly fame.

And were you saved,

And I condemned to be

Where you were not,

That self were hell to me.

So we must keep apart,

You there, I here,

With just the door ajar

That oceans are,

And prayer,

And that pale svustenance,
