These status report which I borrowed from here is such a cute little list , I feel as good about it as I do about gratitude journals, feel free to borrow one for yourself as well!
My Status Report - Begining of September 2009:
Sitting . . . with my family and Charlie today enjoying a nice quiet and relaxing day at home, thinking how nice it is to have the weekend to spend at home after a busy month traveling...
Drinking . . . French lemonade...the very berry variety..and it is divine...and 7 up...lots of 7 up
Moving . . .Slow ...a late night out with friends has made me one sleepy lady today who took an awesome 3 hour nap....shhhhh don't tell anyone...
Reflecting . . . On how wonderful this year has been...the places we have gone...things we did..time spent together and what I hope for and want to happen for my family in the coming months..
Planning . . . To do a lot of camping this fall ....a family reunion in Nov....a new baby in the family due on Thanksgiving...houseguests and b-day parties through Dec....Oktoberfest...sisters gf and I going to see Social D...lots of stuff;) I think I need a I can write in...goood idea..except that I will only use it at first then it will be long lost in the drawer with all the planners from yrs past...only to be picked up so I may have lots of Oh Ya molments.
Looking Forward To . . . Camping and my boys bdays and of course Christmas!! And seeing the Pioneer Woman Ree Drummond in person at changing hands book store & her cookbook!
Wanting . . . a more organized home with a goal to make that happen by Dec...Container Store here I come.
Hoping . . . That my 13 yr old and I can get some alone time this week
Regretting . . . that I only cleaned the downstairs this am and left the upstairs until tomorrow
Stressing. . . over nothing major just the usual junk...
Surprised . . .everyday at how amazing childhood can be through the eyes of a mommy
Studying . . . A dozen or so recipes I intend to start whacking away at tomorrow.....shrimp quesadillas....tres leche cake.....ribs....baked beans....caesar salad...bacon cheddar biscuits....all found here
Frustrated . . . cuz I need help with getting the garage cleared out and I might as well need a stun gun to instigate it..
Eager . . . to read my Jack O Vanity Fair mag tonight that came in the mail...yay!
Enjoying . . . rather loving a weekend spent at home
Missing . . . my family out of state
Thanks for the inspiration!! Hope your Weekends are beautiful!